VB6 application with SQL Server 2008

  • Hi everybody,

    I haven't tried SQL Server 2008 yet but I need an answer to my question now.

    I support a VB6 client-server application that uses SQL Server 2000. The current setup package installs ADO 2.7 and configures an ODBC Data Source using the SQL Server Driver sqlsrv32.dll on the users' desktops.

    We have to upgrade SQL Server from 2000 to 2008. How should we modify the setup package for the VB6 application in this case? Will it affect ADO, ODBC Data Source or anything else?

    Many thanks,


  • The clients should continue to work as they did before. I say this with a slight caveat, because if the application is doing anything strange, or perhaps depending upon a specific tendency of SQL server 2000 they could experience adverse effects.

    One thing I've noticed an effect on is server side cursors so avoid using them (and you should anyway). The SQL native client driver is useful in resolving some issues as well (and certainly provides better error reporting). Other than that, plan on upgrading the applications to vb .net at some point.

    The probability of survival is inversely proportional to the angle of arrival.

  • Hi,

    Thanks for your useful info.

    But I still need to clarify if migrating to SQL Server 2008 will have an impact on the installation package for my VB6 application.

    For example, while I think ADO 2.7 will work with SQL 2008, I'm not sure that sqlsrv32.dll will, i.e. SQL Native Client must be included into the installation package.

    Am I correct?



  • On 64bit OS, 16 bit installers will not work and 32 bit drivers will not work. But unless you need to use SQL native client for your application to work correctly you can continue to use the older SQL driver on 32 bit systems. To use native client in you application would mean changing your connection strings, or in your case, configuring the ODBC DSN to use native client as the driver.

    You really need to test everything though do not take my work for it.

    The probability of survival is inversely proportional to the angle of arrival.

  • Thank you very much for your answer.


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