SQL Server replication

  • Let me explain the environment.

    primary server has SQL Server 2005

    secondary server has SQL server 2005.

    Now i am trying to replicate data from primary server to secondary server.Both the servers are on a different domain, so i have to set a TCP/IP connection both the SQL Servers. (We although have a VPN connection). so my only question is how do i set a TCP/IP connection both the SQL Servers.

    Please reply.

    Thank you.

  • any clues friends?

  • You need to check out a few different things.

    1. Make sure your SQL Servers can connect to each other through the firewall. You should be able to telnet to each server on the port SQL is running on.

    You will need to create an alias on each of the servers so you can resolve with the server name and instance name.

    2. What kind of replication are you setting up?


    Snapshot with Transactional

    3. Are you using a distribution server?

    Are you setting up Push or Pull Subscriptions?

    If you have an alias and firewall settings are correct you should be able to connect to the servers through management studio with a TCP/IP connection.

  • "...Both the servers are on a different domain..."

    As I recall, you'll also need an administrative level SQL Login on both servers with the same name & password.

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