Not able to Access Database

  • \ Hi ,

    i took the db backup from sqlserver 2000 envy using sa credentials. and restored those backup into sqlserver 2008 envy in windows credentials mode.

    I am not able to access the database.. because the following Error appeared.



    The server principal "username" is not able to access the database "dbname" under the current security context.

    Then i searched on the net..Solution is given like this.....


    This is because the MS SQL Server is attempting to execute a T-SQL query to retrieve a list of databases along with additional information about those databases. One of those pieces of information is "Collation", which you will not have permission to action for all databases as you're in a shared hosting environment and you only have access to your database alone.


    Step 1: In Object Explorer, click Databases

    Step 2: Display Object Explorer Details (F7) or View > Object Explorer Details

    Step 3: Right click the column headers and de-select "Collation"

    Step 4: Refresh Databases.

    But i tried it.. But The same error will come..

    I would really appreciate, if anyone helps me



  • your login is not synced with the old 2000 DB.

    you can access the 2000 DB by either using you current 2008 sa or any login that is a sysadmin.


    you can sync the logins from the 2000 database into your 2008 server using sp_help_revlogin.

  • Geoff A (10/15/2010)

    your login is not synced with the old 2000 DB.

    you can access the 2000 DB by either using you current 2008 sa or any login that is a sysadmin.


    you can sync the logins from the 2000 database into your 2008 server using sp_help_revlogin.

    Hi Geof,

    But in sql 2008 envy sa password already set. in sql 2000 sa password is blank.

    And also when i'm going to run the script result in sql 2008.. its shows SID is already in use

    In that case what i can do...

    Kindly help me



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