Incorrect Sums when joining tables

  • I have joined several tables. I need to show data from several records of Table 2 or 3 etc. in the details. I also want to sum up one of the columns in Table 1. Because there are several matches from the other tables, my column 1 from table 1 repeats, thus giving me a column sum that varies depending on how many records are pulled from the other tables, and of course is much larger than the real sum.

    Can someone help with this? Thank you.:crazy:

  • tsmith-960032

    In order to get a tested solution to your question, please post table definitions, sample data and required results. To assist you in doing that please post as outlined in the article which can be accessed by clicking on the first link in my signature block.

    If everything seems to be going well, you have obviously overlooked something.


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  • bitbucket-25253 (8/1/2010)


    In order to get a tested solution to your question, please post table definitions, sample data and required results. To assist you in doing that please post as outlined in the article which can be accessed by clicking on the first link in my signature block.

    What I am describing above is a known SSRS issue and is not isolated to my report. When joining tables where the second returns more than one record, if you try to sum a field in the first table, the result depends on how many records were returned from the second table. I was just wondering if someone had found a simple workaround. I don't think this type of issue which is general merits my posting my entire report logic. Either I didn't make myself clear, or you didn't understand what I was asking.

  • You can do this in your query ...

    SUM(t1.fieldtosum) OVER (PARTITION BY t1.groupfield) fieldsummaryvalue

  • Hi,

    In 2008 Group varibles will help for this declare the group variables and check the sum.


    Veeren 🙂

    Thanks & Regards,
    Ignore this if you feel i am Wrong. 😉

  • veeren4urs (8/5/2010)


    In 2008 Group varibles will help for this declare the group variables and check the sum.


    Veeren 🙂

    Thank you. I am already looking at this. However I have not yet been able to make this work with regards to usage, syntax, etc. Looks like I need to buy more books...

  • Alright All The best. 🙂

    Thanks & Regards,
    Ignore this if you feel i am Wrong. 😉

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