Output of system stored procedure to temp table

  • Hi,

    Am trying to load the output of a stored procedure into a table. But i am encountering strange error. I dont know why this error is coming.

    But the data is getting into the temp table. Would like to know the reason for the below error.


    Server: Msg 3013, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

    BACKUP LOG is terminating abnormally.

    Server: Msg 3021, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

    Cannot perform a backup or restore operation within a transaction.

    Below are the two way's i used to populate a temp table but in both cases the same error.

    Note: My database is in FULL recovery model.



    SELECT *

    -- INTO #MyHead

    FROM OPENROWSET('SQLOLEDB','Server=(local);Trusted_Connection=Yes;Database=db1',

    'Set FmtOnly OFF; EXEC sp_MSdependencies N''dbo.tname'', null, 1315327')



    create table #tmp2 (






    insert into #tmp1 EXEC sp_MSdependencies N'dbo.tname', null, 1315327

    Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks in Advance.

  • not sure about the error; it's so wierd that it refers to a backup.

    whenever i've used sp_msdependencies , i've always used the parameter @intrans = 1 ,

    and i'm thinking you need to do the same;

    --our list of objects in dependancy order


    EXEC sp_msdependencies @intrans = 1

    could you try adding that param and see if it works for you?


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  • Hi, it worked fine! But what could be reason?

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