Job running too long

  • Good afternoon guys.

    i have a ssis package schedule as a job that used to take 45 mins to run but now it takes between 4 to 5 hours to run. i have looked at the package and everything is working fine. could someone please help with any ideas on what i should do and why it is taking so long to run. Thanks

  • It's impossible to give any advice based on the limited information available. There are just too many questions:

    How long does it run when started from BIDS?

    What other activities do take place at the same time? (e.g. other jobs or frequent blocking scenarios)?

    Did you run a profiler trace during that time to get any more detailed information about the step that now takes much longer (assuming you have a trace to compare to...)?

    Any recently increased volume?

    What are the steps in that package supposed to do anyway?

    ... list goes on...

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  • What does the SSIS package do?

    Thank You,

    Best Regards,


  • the package is copying files to a temp folder and then another process is picking up the files from the temp folder and dumping them in a database. trying to execute the job step which is taking so long to run has to do with a package when i opened up the package i found it had a warning:which said it was looking for a config file and when i ran it the package failed with this error

    "[Raw File Destination [53731]] Error: File "C:\MetricTracker\Intelec_CENTRON\Intelec Business Intelligence\Intelec ETL\temp\src_AccountDimensionRaw.txt" cannot be opened for writing. Error may occur when there are no file privileges or the disk is full.

    am guessing the job is trying to execute this step and keeps failing so thats why its taking that long but i dont know how to fix the error above

    i was just given the job to analyse so thats all i could come up with, i would really appreciate any help.

    Thank you

  • Does the package complete normally after 5 hours ? And if so, is the data as expected ?

    The error sounds as though the job does not have permission on the folder. Perhaps folder permissions have changed, or the job is running under a different account than before ?

  • Yes the job completes without any errors from the sql server job agent

  • Has the volume of data been increased ? means heavy data will take longer time.

    above of all , have you made any kind of changes like, script change, privilege changes or scheduled time change ?

    I work only to learn Sql Server...though my company pays me for getting their stuff done;-)

  • homebrew01 (9/9/2010)

    The error sounds as though the job does not have permission on the folder. Perhaps folder permissions have changed, or the job is running under a different account than before ?

    can it slow down the process ? :unsure:

    I work only to learn Sql Server...though my company pays me for getting their stuff done;-)

  • i cant tell if the volume of data has increased, i would maybe have to check and see but thanks so much for the input.

  • This looks like a permission issue.

    Check whether the SQL Server Agent account has permissions to access this folder or if the job is running under a proxy account , does that proxy account has access to that file.

    Also check if the fail actually exists when the job kicks off.

    Thank You,

    Best Regards,


  • thanks so much for the input i appreciate it and i wish you more sql server agent wisdom to help fellas like us, thanks

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