Reject duplicate Time within 01 minute

  • Hi. I have a database which collects time records from a Attendance Time Log Machine. It captures all the datetimes for specific employees. I am using a T-Sql command to capture all the records for a given employee. However, I could not ignore time records within a 01 minute time frame. I just want to ignore any records within a minute time frame for that specific employee.

    Pls help

    Thanks in advance

  • Please post table definitions, sample data and desired output. Read this to see the best way to post this to get quick responses.

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • For example, I have a table with a schema

    CREATE TABLE #Test {

    EmployeeID Int,

    LogTime DateTime



    (1001, '01/01/2010 10:22:36'

    1002, '01/01/2010 10:24:37'

    1003, '01/01/2010 10:24:38'

    1001, '01/01/2010 10:24:39'

    1001, '01/01/2010 10:24:40'

    1002, '01/01/2010 10:24:45'

    1003, '01/01/2010 10:26:45'


    While selecting data from the above table with the sample records, I want the output to appear like,


    1001, '01/01/2010 10:22:36'

    1002, '01/01/2010 10:24:37'

    1003, '01/01/2010 10:24:38'

    1003, '01/01/2010 10:26:45'

    Thus, rejecting all the duplicate times within 01 Minute period


  • Test your code before posting it!




    EmployeeID Int,

    LogTime DateTime



    select 1001, '01/01/2010 10:22:36'

    union select 1002, '01/01/2010 10:24:37'

    union select 1003, '01/01/2010 10:24:38'

    union select 1001, '01/01/2010 10:24:39'

    union select 1001, '01/01/2010 10:24:40'

    union select 1002, '01/01/2010 10:24:45'

    union select 1003, '01/01/2010 10:26:45'

    --drop table #qupd

    select EmployeeID, LogTime, cast(Null as datetime) as PrevLogTime, cast(null as int) as TimeDiff

    into #qupd

    from #Test

    create clustered index cix_qupd on #qupd(EmployeeID, LogTime)

    declare @PrevLogTime datetime

    declare @TimeDiff int

    declare @EmployeeId int

    update #qupd set

    @PrevLogTime = PrevLogTime = CASE WHEN (EmployeeID = @EmployeeId) THEN @PrevLogTime ELSE NULL END

    ,@TimeDiff = TimeDiff = DATEDIFF(minute, @PrevLogTime, LogTime)

    ,@EmployeeId = EmployeeID

    ,@PrevLogTime = LogTime

    option (maxdop 1)

    select EmployeeID, LogTime

    from #qupd

    where PrevLogTime is null or TimeDiff > 1

    Please note: you have entries in your sample data for EmployeeID 1001 whcih are more than 1 minute appart, so you should expect them to be shown in results.

    "The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing"
    "O skol'ko nam otkrytiy chudnyh prevnosit microsofta duh!":-D
    (So many miracle inventions provided by MS to us...)

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  • My initial thought is that the easiest as fastest way to do this is to create a computed column of the datetime value where seconds are stripped away, then create a unique index on EmployeeId and the computed column with IGNORE_DUPLICATE_KEY. Values withing the same minute are disallowed but the IGNORE_DUPLICATE_KEY prevents a rollback of the constraint violation. This only work for INSERTs, bot UPDATEs.

    I have never used the IGNORE_DUPLICATE_KEY option before, so I can't say if there are any "best practices" against using it. The is a little voice far back in my head that tells me that this is a bad idea though. INSERTS that are not saved without returning any information about it... hmm... It just feels wrong.

  • with cteTest (RowNum, EmpID, LogTime)






    from #Test


    select cc.EmpID,


    from cteTest cc

    left join cteTest cp

    on cp.EmpID = cc.EmpID

    and cp.RowNum = cc.RowNum - 1

    where DATEDIFF(ss, coalesce(cp.LogTime, '01/01/01'), cc.LogTime) > 120

    order by cc.EmpID, cc.LogTime

    └> bt

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