Extract string before character occurrence.

  • Hi,

    This is bugging me, the solution must really be easy.

    I have a column in a table with a variable length string and I want to extract a substring of everything that comes before the charcter '-'.

    So for example if the string is 'E01234/1-1' then I want to return just 'E01234/1'. This would be simple with the substring function if everything before and after the '-' was the same length but unfortunately it's variable.

    I have tried substring(FieldName, 1, charindex('-', FieldName) -1) which has worked before in the same situation but this time SQL Server telling me that I've passed and invalid length parameter to the substring function.

    Any help appreciated,


    Keep the rubber side down and the shiny side up.

  • hey there, this might help you.

    First lets set-up sample data and table



    SELECT 'E01234/1-1'

    UNION ALL SELECT 'E01234/1-200'

    UNION ALL SELECT 'E01234/1-3000'

    UNION ALL SELECT 'E01234/1-40000'

    UNION ALL SELECT 'E01234/1-500000'

    UNION ALL SELECT 'E01234/1-6000000'

    UNION ALL SELECT 'E01234/1-70000000'

    UNION ALL SELECT 'E01234/1-800000000'

    NOw the code that will strip the string


    Hope this helps you!

  • Try this

    DECLARE @FieldName VARCHAR(50)

    SET @FieldName='E01234/1-1';

    SET @FieldName='E01234/11';

    SELECT SUBSTRING(@FieldName, 1, CASE WHEN CHARINDEX('-', @FieldName) > 0 THEN CHARINDEX('-', @FieldName)-1

    ELSE LEN(@FieldName)


  • ColdCoffee,

    Here the reason for the error message he received is whenever there is no '-' found in the string then CHARINDEX('-', @FieldName)-1 will return -1 , which throughs an error

    We have to handle this case in code, which I have given in my earlier post:-)

  • Ah, thank you both!!

    See I knew it would be easy but that I was missing some understanding somewhere.

    So in actual fact what I was doing would have worked had there been no occurrences in the column that omitted the '-' character?

    This is one to remember for future reference for sure as I know it'll come up again.

    Thanks again, much appreciated,


    Keep the rubber side down and the shiny side up.

  • Gopi Muluka (6/4/2010)


    Here the reason for the error message he received is whenever there is no '-' found in the string then CHARINDEX('-', @FieldName)-1 will return -1 ,

    Taking nothing away from your good code, where i got bit-off is ,by this statement from the OP

    So for example if the string is 'E01234/1-1' then I want to return just 'E01234/1'. This would be simple with the substring function if everything before and after the '-' was the same length but unfortunately it's variable

    He/She dint say that the "-" wont be pesent, right? The OP was concerned because of the fact that the length of the string before and after "-" is incosistent.. so i thought a simple LEFT would suffice. In any case, your code will work flawlessly capturing misprinted information.

  • He/She dint say that the "-" wont be pesent, right? The OP was concerned because of the fact that the length of the string before and after "-" is incosistent.. so i thought a simple LEFT would suffice. In any case, your code will work flawlessly capturing misprinted information.

    Sorry, my bad. :blush:

    Keep the rubber side down and the shiny side up.

  • This was AMAZING and totally helped me finish a report for someone so quickly. Thank you so much for posting!:-D

  • I know some will cringe, but here are some UDF's that I have created for this type of manipulation. When you are in a time crunch, they really come in handy.

    /* ====================================================================== */

    /* Gets the rest of the line after the last input string occurance (any length) */

    CREATE FUNCTION dbo.fn_GetRestOfLineAfterLast(@tmval2 varchar(2000),@vlsf varchar(2000))

    RETURNS varchar(2000)



    DECLARE @spot int

    DECLARE @av varchar(2000)

    DECLARE @part1varchar(2000)

    DECLARE @part2varchar(2000)

    SET @part1 = ''

    SET @part2 = @tmval2

    SET @av = @part2

    SET @spot = PATINDEX('%' + @vlsf + '%',@part2)

    while @spot > 0


    -- pull that value into part1

    SET @part1 = @part1 + SUBSTRING(@part2,1,@spot + LEN(@vlsf) - 1)

    -- reset value of part2

    SET @part2 = SUBSTRING(@part2,@spot + LEN(@vlsf),LEN(@part2) - (@spot + LEN(@vlsf) - 1))

    -- reset the loop control variable

    SET @spot = PATINDEX('%' + @vlsf + '%',@part2)


    -- otherwise, just returns what was sent in (if never found, @part2 still = @av)

    SET @av = @part2

    RETURN @av




    SELECT '>' + dbo.fn_GetRestOfLineAfterLast(' -ER-ERROR','-') + '<'



    /* ====================================================================== */

    /* Gets the front part of line before the last string occurance (any length) */

    CREATE FUNCTION dbo.fn_GetLineThroughLast(@tmval2 varchar(2000),@vlsf varchar(2000))

    RETURNS varchar(2000)



    DECLARE @spot int

    DECLARE @av varchar(2000)

    DECLARE @part1varchar(2000)

    DECLARE @part2varchar(2000)

    SET @part1 = ''

    SET @part2 = @tmval2

    SET @av = @part2

    SET @spot = PATINDEX('%' + @vlsf + '%',@part2)

    while @spot > 0


    -- pull that value into part1

    SET @part1 = @part1 + SUBSTRING(@part2,1,@spot + LEN(@vlsf) -1)

    -- reset value of part2

    SET @part2 = SUBSTRING(@part2,@spot + LEN(@vlsf),LEN(@part2) - (@spot + LEN(@vlsf) -1))

    -- reset the loop control variable

    SET @spot = PATINDEX('%' + @vlsf + '%',@part2)


    -- otherwise, just returns what was sent in (if never found, @part2 still = @av)

    SET @av = SUBSTRING(@part1,1,LEN(@part1)-LEN(@vlsf)) + @vlsf

    RETURN @av




    SELECT '>' + dbo.fn_GetLineThroughLast(' -ER-ERROR','-') + '<'

    SELECT '>' + dbo.fn_GetLineThroughLast(' oskiekf-lwidjoke-kasdofkjeoijIOIJlkdjafOIS-asdfkj','-') + '<'


    /* ====================================================================== */

    /* Gets the front part of line before the last string occurance (any length) */

    CREATE FUNCTION dbo.fn_GetLineBeforeLast(@tmval2 varchar(2000),@vlsf varchar(2000))

    RETURNS varchar(2000)



    DECLARE @spot int

    DECLARE @av varchar(2000)

    DECLARE @part1varchar(2000)

    DECLARE @part2varchar(2000)

    SET @part1 = ''

    SET @part2 = @tmval2

    SET @av = @part2

    SET @spot = PATINDEX('%' + @vlsf + '%',@part2)

    while @spot > 0


    -- pull that value into part1

    SET @part1 = @part1 + SUBSTRING(@part2,1,@spot + LEN(@vlsf) - 1)

    -- reset value of part2

    SET @part2 = SUBSTRING(@part2,@spot + LEN(@vlsf),LEN(@part2) - (@spot + LEN(@vlsf) - 1))

    -- reset the loop control variable

    SET @spot = PATINDEX('%' + @vlsf + '%',@part2)


    -- otherwise, just returns what was sent in (if never found, @part2 still = @av)

    SET @av = SUBSTRING(@part1,1,LEN(@part1)-LEN(@vlsf))

    RETURN @av




    SELECT '>' + dbo.fn_GetLineBeforeLast(' -ER-ERROR','-') + '<'

    SELECT '>' + dbo.fn_GetLineBeforeLast(' oskiekf-lwidjoke-kasdofkjeoijIOIJlkdjafOIS-asdfkj','-') + '<'


    /* ====================================================================== */

    /* Gets what is in the line before the input string occurance (any length) */

    CREATE FUNCTION dbo.fn_GetLineUpToValue(@tmval2 varchar(2000),@vlsf varchar(2000))

    RETURNS varchar(2000)



    DECLARE @spot int

    DECLARE @av varchar(2000)

    SET @av=LTRIM(RTRIM(@tmval2))

    SET @spot = PATINDEX('%' + @vlsf + '%',@av)

    if @spot > 0

    SET @av=LTRIM(RTRIM(SUBSTRING(@av,1,@spot-1)))

    -- otherwise, just returns what was sent in





    SELECT dbo.fn_GetLineUpToValue('wow, this is very funky, oh yes it is',', oh yes')


  • Gopi Muluka (6/4/2010)


    Here the reason for the error message he received is whenever there is no '-' found in the string then CHARINDEX('-', @FieldName)-1 will return -1 , which throughs an error

    We have to handle this case in code, which I have given in my earlier post:-)

    Now I guess that would just depend on what the OP wants returned in case no hyphen is in the string, now wouldn't it?



    SELECT 'E01234/1-1'

    UNION ALL SELECT 'E01234/1-200'

    UNION ALL SELECT 'E01234/1-3000'

    UNION ALL SELECT 'E01234/1'

    SELECT ReturnWholeString=LEFT(STRING + '-', CHARINDEX('-', STRING + '-') - 1)






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  • vikingDBA (10/11/2012)

    I know some will cringe, but here are some UDF's that I have created for this type of manipulation. When you are in a time crunch, they really come in handy.

    I only cringed when I saw all the loops. You can do the same thing without all the looping. Also the GetLineThroughLast and GetLineBeforeLast fail when the character is not found.

    Here is one way to do the same logic as the first 3 functions with no looping.

    /* Gets the rest of the line after the last input string occurance (any length) */

    CREATE FUNCTION dbo.fn_GetRestOfLineAfterLast_ShortVersion


    @tmval2 varchar(2000),

    @vlsf varchar(2000)


    RETURNS varchar(2000)

    AS begin

    declare @RetVal varchar(2000)

    if CHARINDEX(@vlsf, @tmval2) > 0

    select @RetVal = right(@tmval2, CHARINDEX(@vlsf, REVERSE(@tmval2)) - 1)


    select @RetVal = @tmval2

    return @retVal



    /* Gets the front part of line before the last string occurance (any length) */

    create function dbo.fn_GetLineThroughLast_ShortVersion


    @tmval2 varchar(2000),

    @vlsf varchar(2000)


    RETURNS varchar(2000)

    as begin

    declare @RetVal varchar(2000)

    if CHARINDEX(@vlsf, @tmval2) > 0

    select @RetVal = left(@tmval2, LEN(@tmval2) - CHARINDEX(@vlsf, REVERSE(@tmval2)) + 1)


    select @RetVal = @tmval2

    return @retVal



    /* Gets the front part of line before the last string occurance (any length) */

    CREATE FUNCTION dbo.fn_GetLineBeforeLast_ShortVersion


    @tmval2 varchar(2000),

    @vlsf varchar(2000)


    RETURNS varchar(2000)

    as begin

    declare @RetVal varchar(2000)

    if CHARINDEX(@vlsf, @tmval2) > 0

    select @RetVal = left(@tmval2, CHARINDEX(@vlsf, REVERSE(@tmval2)) -2 )


    select @RetVal = @tmval2

    return @retVal


    Now to validate that they work. The two that will fail are commented.

    --finds the character

    SELECT '>' + dbo.fn_GetRestOfLineAfterLast(' -ER-ERROR','-') + '<'

    SELECT '>' + dbo.fn_GetRestOfLineAfterLast_ShortVersion(' -ER-ERROR','-') + '<'

    --character not found

    SELECT '>' + dbo.fn_GetRestOfLineAfterLast(' -ER-ERROR','*') + '<'

    SELECT '>' + dbo.fn_GetRestOfLineAfterLast_ShortVersion(' -ER-ERROR','*') + '<'

    --finds the character

    SELECT '>' + dbo.fn_GetLineThroughLast(' -ER-ERROR','-') + '<'

    SELECT '>' + dbo.fn_GetLineThroughLast_ShortVersion(' -ER-ERROR','-') + '<'

    --character not found

    SELECT '>' + dbo.fn_GetLineThroughLast(' -ER-ERROR','*') + '<' --this one errors when the character is not found

    SELECT '>' + dbo.fn_GetLineThroughLast_ShortVersion(' -ER-ERROR','*') + '<'

    --finds the character

    SELECT '>' + dbo.fn_GetLineBeforeLast(' -ER-ERROR','-') + '<'

    SELECT '>' + dbo.fn_GetLineBeforeLast_ShortVersion(' -ER-ERROR','-') + '<'

    --character not found

    SELECT '>' + dbo.fn_GetLineBeforeLast(' -ER-ERROR','*') + '<' --this one errors when the character is not found

    SELECT '>' + dbo.fn_GetLineBeforeLast_ShortVersion(' -ER-ERROR','*') + '<'


    Need help? Help us help you.

    Read the article at http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/Best+Practices/61537/ for best practices on asking questions.

    Need to split a string? Try Jeff Modens splitter http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/Tally+Table/72993/.

    Cross Tabs and Pivots, Part 1 – Converting Rows to Columns - http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/T-SQL/63681/
    Cross Tabs and Pivots, Part 2 - Dynamic Cross Tabs - http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/Crosstab/65048/
    Understanding and Using APPLY (Part 1) - http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/APPLY/69953/
    Understanding and Using APPLY (Part 2) - http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/APPLY/69954/

  • I figured someone would cringe.....

    Thank you, Sean. I'll take a look at these. Much appreciated.

  • vikingDBA (10/12/2012)

    I figured someone would cringe.....

    Thank you, Sean. I'll take a look at these. Much appreciated.

    LOL just a lot simpler way of getting the same thing. 😀


    Need help? Help us help you.

    Read the article at http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/Best+Practices/61537/ for best practices on asking questions.

    Need to split a string? Try Jeff Modens splitter http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/Tally+Table/72993/.

    Cross Tabs and Pivots, Part 1 – Converting Rows to Columns - http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/T-SQL/63681/
    Cross Tabs and Pivots, Part 2 - Dynamic Cross Tabs - http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/Crosstab/65048/
    Understanding and Using APPLY (Part 1) - http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/APPLY/69953/
    Understanding and Using APPLY (Part 2) - http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/APPLY/69954/

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