SSAS Installation Recommendations

  • I'm new to SSAS and have never used it or installed it. I understand SSAS can be installed on its own server or on the same server as the SQL Server. I'm considering installing it on the SQL Server, as that server is going to be clustered. Additionally, the SQL Server will be the only datasource for SSAS, at least at this time.

    Are there any pitfalls in doing so, or is it a best practice to install SSAS on its own server? Are there any licensing considerations when installed on a separate server?



  • you can install it on the same server, the advantage is that the data does not have far to travel when building the cubes. The disadvatange is that analysis server may compete for resources from the SQL server databases.

  • Thank-you for your response. That was the answer I was hoping to hear!


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