Convert string to datetime error

  • Hi all, please can anyone help me with this tsql, its bringing this error,

    Conversion failed when converting datetime from character string.

    what can i do,

    Lower_time and Upper_time are nvarchar(8) fields containing data such as 12:00:00 or like.

    this is my tsql:

    declare @GivenTime datetime

    declare @WeekDayCriteria int

    declare @Duration int

    declare @StationId nvarchar(6)

    declare @StateId nvarchar(2)

    declare @Backdrop nvarchar(1)

    set @GivenTime = '04:59:59'

    set @WeekDayCriteria = 0

    set @Duration = 60

    set @StationId = 'A1'

    set @StateId = 'la'

    set @Backdrop = 'F'


    FROM dbo.tbl_TVRates INNER JOIN

    dbo.tbl_Stations ON dbo.tbl_TVRates.FK_StationId = SUBSTRING(dbo.tbl_Stations.StationId, 2, 4)

    WHERE (dbo.tbl_Stations.StationId = @StationId) AND (dbo.tbl_Stations.FK_StateId = @StateId) AND (dbo.tbl_Stations.StationId LIKE 'A%') AND

    (dbo.tbl_TVRates.DURATION = @Duration) AND (dbo.tbl_TVRates.BACKD = @Backdrop) AND (dbo.tbl_TVRates.WKDAY = @WeekDayCriteria)

    AND ((select convert(datetime, @GivenTime) as Thevalue)

    Between convert(datetime,Lower_Time) and convert(datetime,Upper_Time))

    ORDER BY dbo.tbl_Stations.FK_StateId

    Any help will be appreciated

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  • Hi, thanks for your reply, i tried your code, but it brought this error:

    Parameter or variable '@GivenTime' has an invalid data type.

    what else do u think i should do?


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  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

  • Thanks for your reply, i'm using sql server 2005


  • Thanks,

    I tried using '1900-01-01 04:01:00' but it still said cannot convert to datetime.

    The problem is that the Lower_time field and Upper_time fields are of type nvarchar(8) containing values such as 04:01:00, so i think that is why its complaining.

    I wasn't the creator of the database, i'm a new programmer in the company, the former programmer used nvarchar(8) for the fields. how do u think i can do a time comparison between lower_time and Upper_time to get out my values.

    Thanks for your replies.

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  • One other thing, timotech:

    TOP 100 Percent ORDER BY Considered Harmful:

  • Hi Stewart, thanks for your contributions, i just tried it, it seems to give the same problem. i don't know what else to do.

  • If the Script above does not work, you have to check the Upper and Lower fields for invalid data.

    e.g. empty (null) or not valid time data

  • Hi thanks for your replies. unfortunately the fields has a lot of Null values. there are about 4000 records, how do i fill the nulls and probably convert the fields to datetime datatype. thanks

  • timotech (4/14/2010)

    Hi thanks for your replies. unfortunately the fields has a lot of Null values. there are about 4000 records, how do i fill the nulls

    UPDATE myPoorlyDesignedTable

    SET TimeInCharField = '00:00:00'

    WHERE TimeInCharField IS NULL

    and probably convert the fields to datetime datatype. thanks

    First you need to replace all data to include a date first:

    UPDATE myPoorlyDesignedTable

    SET TimeInCharField = '19000101 ' + TimeInCharField

    WHERE TimeInCharField IS NOT NULL

    Then you change the column's datatype after all fields are either null or proper time fields.

    ALTER TABLE myPoorlyDesignedTable ALTER COLUMN TimeInCharField DATETIME

    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server 2008
    Author - SQL Server T-SQL Recipes

    If you can't explain to another person how the code that you're copying from the internet works, then DON'T USE IT on a production system! After all, you will be the one supporting it!
    For better assistance in answering your questions
    Performance Problems
    Common date/time routines
    Understanding and Using APPLY Part 1 & Part 2

  • and maybe set a default value and not null for the column 😉

    ALTER TABLE myPoorlyDesignedTable ADD CONSTRAINT

    DF_Table_1_Upper DEFAULT N'19000101 00:00:00' FOR Upper

  • Hi Wayne, thanks for your post it was very helpful, but the second update did not run. i did this:

    UPDATE tbl_TVRates

    SET Upper_Time = '19000101 ' + Upper_Time

    WHERE Upper_Time IS NOT NULL

    but it brought this error:

    Msg 8152, Level 16, State 13, Line 1

    String or binary data would be truncated.

    The statement has been terminated.

    what can i do to correct it?



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