incremental data loading

  • My company has a process that runs every 30 minutes or so. This process loads data into the database.

    I need to write a process that captures cumulative data from a particular column and compares it to the last load.

    So for example: Load 1, employee 123 had a total of 25 seconds. Load 2 this same employee had a total of 30 seconds.

    On each load, I need to calculate the difference of the total time for each employee. Load1 25sec, Load2 30sec --> The increment will be 5 sec.

    I only need to calculate the current load with the last load.

    Is there any easy way to do this? I'm stumped.



  • Is there a way to distinguish the different loads? What do you mean by an employee had 25 seconds, then 30 seconds? Do you have any sample tables and data?

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  • I can keep track of each load with a LoadId.

    I work for a call center and we track employees time. An employee can be on the phone, or waiting for a phone call, finishing up a call, etc. Each separate action is captured in different columns. So let's say we're looking only at one column "TimeOnPhone".

    On first load of day employee 123 has 25 minutes in this column. Next load he has 30minutes. So on this load the increment is 5 minutes. I need to calculate this difference on all loads, but I just care about the difference on current load and last load.

  • I assume that en employee could exist in one load and not in the next (lunch break, etc.). If this is the case, then what would the calculation be for that? Would you only show times between loads or between load 1 and Load 5 when the employee showed up again?

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  • You can use a CTE. This assumes that an employee can not exist in a specific load, so that won't count against the totals. See Employee 345. They don't exist in the 4th load, so the cumulative differences are calced between the 3rd load and the 5th load. If this is different, then in the query, you will have to add CurRow.LoadID = NextRow.LoadID + 1

    create table #table1


    LoadID int not null,

    EmployeeID int not null,

    TimeOnPhone int not null default 0,

    TimeWaiting int not null default 0,

    TimeFinishingUp int not null default 0,

    primary key (LoadID, EmployeeID )


    insert into #table1

    select 1,123,25,0,0 union all

    select 1,234,25,0,0 union all

    select 1,345,25,0,0 union all

    select 1,456,25,0,0 union all

    select 2,123,30,0,0 union all

    select 2,234,0,10,0 union all

    select 2,345,0,0,10 union all

    select 2,456,25,0,0 union all

    select 3,123,30,0,0 union all

    select 3,234,0,10,0 union all

    select 3,345,0,0,10 union all

    select 3,456,35,0,0 union all

    select 4,123,30,0,0 union all

    select 4,234,0,10,0 union all

    select 4,456,35,0,0 union all

    select 5,123,30,0,0 union all

    select 5,234,0,10,0 union all

    select 5,345,0,0,10 union all

    select 5,456,35,0,0

    ;with cte (LoadID, EmployeeID, TimeOnPhone, TimeWaiting, TimeFinishingUp, RowID )

    as (select LoadID, EmployeeID, TimeOnPhone, TimeWaiting, TimeFinishingUp,

    ROW_NUMBER() OVER (Partition by EmployeeID ORDER BY EMPloyeeID, LoadID ASC) AS ROWID

    from #table1)

    select CurRow.LoadID, CurRow.EmployeeID, CurRow.TimeOnPhone - IsNull(NextRow.TimeOnPhone,0) TimeOnPhone,

    CurRow.TimeWaiting - IsNull(NextRow.TimeWaiting,0) TimeWaiting,

    CurRow.TimeFinishingUp - IsNull(NextRow.TimeFinishingUp,0) TimeFinishingUp

    from cte CurRow

    left outer join cte NextRow

    on CurRow.EmployeeID = NextRow.EmployeeID

    and CurRow.RowID = NextRow.RowID + 1

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