check and delete temp table

  • Hi folks,

    This sounds like a newbie question but I just don't understand it:

    is there anything wrong with these query:?

    IF EXISTS(SELECT name FROM sys.TABLES WHERE name like '#temp%' AND type='U')

    DROP TABLE #temp

    IF EXISTS(SELECT name FROM sys.objects WHERE name like '#temp%' AND type='U')

    DROP TABLE #temp

    The #temp won't be deleted because SELECT name FROM sys.TABLES WHERE name like '#temp%' AND type='U' won't get it, however it DOES EXISTS because I got an error when I tried to drop it.

    Msg 2714, Level 16, State 6, Line 1

    There is already an object named '#temp' in the database.

    What's the problem for the IF query?

    Thank you in advance.

  • select object_id('#temp') returns NULL

  • Temp tables (created with #) are actually stored in the tempdb database, not in whatever database you're currently working in. I believe the sys.objects and sys.tables system views only look at the 'current' database.

    You could look in tempdb.dbo.sysobjects for the name, but if other users/sessions had created a similar temp table, you might get a positive result on your lookup when, in fact, that temp table wasn't 'yours'.

    Rob Schripsema
    Propack, Inc.

  • You are right, thank you.

  • You can use the following to check for existence of the table:

    if OBJECT_ID('tempDB..#temp','U') is not null

    DROP TABLE #temp

    Rob Schripsema
    Propack, Inc.

  • be aware that the temp table will not simple be called #whatevernameyougive but in the form of


    in sys.objects so you will need to use a like statement


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