Replication: ALTER PROC is not replicating

  • I have a transactional replication publication that includes stored procedures as articles. The ALTER PROC statement on the publisher is not causing the schema change to propagate to the subscribers. According to MS ( the schema change should flow out to everyone.

    I have verified that the Schema Replication option has been set to True for the article. sp_HelpArticle reports that Schema_Option = 0x8000001.

    This is a complete SQL 2008 to SQL 2008 environment.

    Does anyone have any insight into whether this option does work or if there are any special configuration details that need to be adhered to?

    Many thanks...

    (NOTE: I posted this in another site a few days ago but could not get a response so I'm re-posting here.)

  • Have you checked that the procedure is actualy a replicated article?

    as often people will manully move procedures to the replication subscriber rather than add them to replication.

    also are there any errors in the subscriber log?

  • Also what initialization mode did you use ?

    * Noel

  • Thanks for your reply. In answer to your questions:

    1) I am absolutely positive that the procedure is an article in an active publication.

    2) There are no errors being seen in the logs for either of the Subscribers.

    3) I'm not sure what you mean be the "initialization mode". I am doing a snapshot of the data and associated schema elements, including the procedures. (Not sure if I am answering your question here)

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