Report Manager says a report subscription (email) has run - but it hasn't!

  • I have a number of reports which are run via report subscriptions - sometimes basic subscriptions and sometimes data-driven.

    Occasionally the email isn't received by the user.

    Example. A data-driven report subscription which should send to 105 users. The report manager says "Done: 105 processed of 105 total; 0 errors.", but then a user calls me and says that only 70 reports have been received. When I run a query through the ReportServer database on the execution log, only 70 have run, not 105.

    For a few days i've been giving the support guys a hard time blaming the email server on the problems but it looks like the Report manager is lying to me, saying reports have run when they haven't. It only seems to be on subscriptions to email and it also happens when there's just one or two recipients. There's no consistency, it seems to be totally random which ones run and which don't because when I run the report cycle again, some of the ones which failed first tine, will run second time.

    I thought it could be a webfarm issue, but again, the successful reports come from any of the four webfarms we have.

    If anyone has any ideas what the problem might be, i'd love to hear them because I'm baffled.


  • Dear User,

    I have happened to face similar kind of issue with subscriptions.

    Why I say similar because I tried to generate files on the drive rather than sending them as mail attachments.

    It sometimes become very hard rather next to impossible to track the root cause of such a weird behaviour by SSRS.

    Rather what I suggest you can try writing a wrapper stored procedure which when scheduled as a job will run the subscription with a set of email addresses dynamically replaced before sending them as mail.

    Hope the alternative way works out and sorry for not being able to provide with a solution.

    Please let me know if you find some solution to the problem.


    An SQL Enthusiast !!!

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