Dynamic SQL

  • Hi,

    This statement is correct:

    SELECT 'String'

    But when I try to use dynamic it not be correct, How can I do that?

    EXECUTE('SELECT 'String'')


  • _ms65g_ (5/19/2010)


    This statement is correct:

    SELECT 'String'

    But when I try to use dynamic it not be correct, How can I do that?

    EXECUTE('SELECT 'String'')


    every quote that exists between your forst and last quotes need to be escaped out with an additional quote:

    EXECUTE('SELECT ''String'' ')


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  • Thank you very much!

  • I use database name before the INFORMATION_SCHEM view but when I use the USE statement with another database name my result is incorrect.

    I have two database with names "concat" and "Northwind. And I use following FROM clause at the two queries:



    USE concat

    SELECT 'UPDATE ' + 'concat' + '..[' + table_name + ']' +

    ' SET ' + '[' + column_name + ']' + ' = ' + column_default +

    ' WHERE ' + '[' + column_name + '] IS NULL' + ';'


    WHERE column_default IS NOT NULL

    AND OBJECTPROPERTY(OBJECT_ID(table_name),'istable') = 1;



    UPDATE concat..[newOrders] SET [order_date] = (getdate()) WHERE [order_date] IS NULL;

    UPDATE concat..[newOrders] SET [amount] = ((0)) WHERE [amount] IS NULL;

    UPDATE concat..[Orders] SET [order_date] = (getdate()) WHERE [order_date] IS NULL;

    UPDATE concat..[Orders] SET [amount] = ((0)) WHERE [amount] IS NULL;

    UPDATE concat..[ttttttt] SET [j] = ((200)) WHERE [j] IS NULL;


    use Northwind

    SELECT 'UPDATE ' + 'concat' + '..[' + table_name + ']' +

    ' SET ' + '[' + column_name + ']' + ' = ' + column_default +

    ' WHERE ' + '[' + column_name + '] IS NULL' + ';'


    WHERE column_default IS NOT NULL

    AND OBJECTPROPERTY(OBJECT_ID(table_name),'istable') = 1;



    UPDATE concat..[Orders] SET [order_date] = (getdate()) WHERE [order_date] IS NULL;

    UPDATE concat..[Orders] SET [amount] = ((0)) WHERE [amount] IS NULL;


    now What do I do?


    The Database Engine assumes that object_id is in the current database context. A query that references an object_id in another database will return NULL or incorrect results...

    Converting oxygen into carbon dioxide, since 1955.
  • Steve Cullen (5/19/2010)


    The Database Engine assumes that object_id is in the current database context. A query that references an object_id in another database will return NULL or incorrect results...

    Good tip, I did not notice the OBJECT_ID function!


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