Need some help with SQL (group by and Select)

  • Hi,

    I have an SQL question that I need an answer to.

    Assume 2 tables:

    Table 1 : "CDs" that holds 'CDName' and 'CD_ID' [P.K.]

    Table 2 : "CDOrders" that holds 'DateOrderPlaced', 'CD_ID_Ordered' [F.K.]


    CD_ID CDName

    1 cd-a-name

    2 cd-b-name

    3 cd-c-name

    4 cd-d-name


    DateOrderPlaced CD_ID_Ordered

    23May10 1

    23May10 2

    22May10 4

    23May10 1

    24May10 3

    The purpose of the DB is to track each order placed for each CD. So above, on the 23 May, 'cd-a-name' was ordered the most (twice).

    SQL Question: From all orders placed on a given day (say today), find out the names of the top 5 most-ordered CDs.

    I got so far:

    select top 5

    CD_ID_Ordered, count(0)




    <..DateOrderPlaced is today.. >

    group by


    order by

    count(0) desc;

    This gives me the CD_IDs in the order I want (1st most ordered, 2nd most ordered...5th most). But I need to retrieve the CDName from the CDs table, and show that as the result of the query, not its corresponding ID.

    Can anyone please help ?


  • Check out this..

    create table #CDS(CDID int,CDName varchar(50))

    insert into #CDS select 1,'cd-a'

    union all

    select 2,'cd-b'

    union all

    select 3,'cd-c'

    union all

    select 4,'cd-d'

    create table #CDOrders(CDOrdereddate datetime,CDid int)

    insert into #CDOrders select getdate(),1

    union all

    select getdate(),1

    union all

    select getdate(),1

    union all

    select getdate()-1,2

    select top 5

    a.CDOrdereddate, cdname,count(b.cdid)


    #CDOrders a inner join

    #CDS b on a.cdid = b.cdid

    group by


    order by

    count(b.cdid) desc;

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