LastUpdate Date/time stamp

  • How can I add a column to an existing table that tracks the last time the row was updated, and this is the important part, without touching client apps. I now I can add a DateTime column to the table with a default of GETDATE(), but that doesn't help me for updates. I can think of a couple ways to do it with trigger code, but something tells me you guys will have a better way. You always do! 🙂



  • For ease, I believe a trigger is the route you should go. You can trigger it on update without any modifications to end users or applications.

  • You should be using stored procedures anyway. Simply update the new column to GETDATE each time you do an insert/update.

    └> bt

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  • I agree with bt if you can rewrite all code to use stored procs.

    If you want to be 100% sure, or can't change code, use a trigger. Be sure you write this trigger to work with multiple rows and don't store values in variables.

  • Trigger it is then. Thanks

    In this particular case, I'm trying to work around frozen code.


  • Keep the trigger small and tight to avoid performance stuff, and make sure you write the trigger for multiple rows. Don't set variables to values.

    Not this:


    select @pk = PKID from inserted

    update BaseTable

    set Lastdate = getdate()

    where PKID = @pk

    Do this

    update BaseTable

    set LastDate = Getdate()

    from inserted i

    where BaseTable.PKID = i.PKID

  • Got it. Thanks Steve! You saved me the embarrassment of asking for the code 🙂

    I'm not sure I understand the penalty of using local vars in the trigger. Why is the local var version so bad?


  • Hi,

    Steve points to an important point.

    The important point is variables work successfully only the original update code affects single table row.

    If you use variables just it is the case in the first example, you can only update 1 row.

    I guess it is the last row that is updated.

    But Update statements will possibly update a batch of rows in the table.

    Like below which updates all rows

    UPDATE TableName SET FieldName = 'FieldValue'

    So your trigger must handle this case too.

  • Oh, right! I get it. I understand the multiple rows thing. I learned that lesson many years ago. I thought the point was that local vars are BAD in a trigger, but I missed the point all together.


    (And the trigger is working spectacularly btw!)


  • Glad it's working, and you are welcome.

    I believe some other products fire the trigger for each row, so you have to know your RDBMS. This is a common issue that people run into in SQL Server, and I don't think it's explained well in BOL. Happy we could help you.

  • Joe Celko (7/21/2010)

    Get a third party audit tool. If the law catches you keeping audit data in the same table, you can go to jail.

    Eh? Where did he mention that this was for auditing purposes. You don't even know anything about the application, what information it holds, what country he's in etc. Even if it was for auditing purposes, that's a massive overstatement. It's also entirely sensible to hold a last_updated date in nearly every table - you just hold audit information externally as well if it's appropriate to the application and your auditors requirements.

  • Joe Celko (7/21/2010)

    Get a third party audit tool. If the law catches you keeping audit data in the same table, you can go to jail.



    Compare prices on amazon 😀 and you might consider getting a good lawyer instead of tool. Also, check the state laws where you are in, it could be that keeping audit data in "illegal" way may attract corporal or even capital punishment (caning, flogging or some varieties of stoning) - :w00t:

    Be ALERT!

    "The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing"
    "O skol'ko nam otkrytiy chudnyh prevnosit microsofta duh!":-D
    (So many miracle inventions provided by MS to us...)

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  • But I would recommend u to create another table with foreign key, n that will hold lastupdated column. Reason behind is, to make sure that it wont ask to make any changes in the existing application. n Definitely using triggers to update it would be a good choice from my point of view.

  • One advantage of another table is you get some "history" as well. You can see who changed it when. If you do this, you might also think about periodically archiving this data off to another db over time as it can get lengthy

  • The audit table is overkill in this case. If I did need that much detail, doesn't sql2k8 have some built in autiting?

    (Somebody needs a nap. 🙂 )


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