How to tune/speed up a procedure

  • I have a stored procedure where I am converting old mainframe data that is in a staging table, and converting it over to the new structure. I tried using DTA but it contains temp tables and also I've heard that that isn't the best route to go anyway for tuning procs.

    What are some other routes that I could take to try and improve the performance of my procedure? I have about 1.5 million records that I need to convert and right now my proc is running at about 24 hours, which will not be acceptable on Go-Live/Conversion weekend.


  • You could call the sproc manually from SSMS with the "Include Actual Execution Plan" which would give you a wealth of information as to how it actually ran. You could also trace it and be sure to include statement detail. With this you could get a lot of detail as well.

    Basically you are looking for the sections of code that run a long time and that you can make changes for speed. Don't get sucked into small sections that run poorly but optimizing them will not get you much. Look for table scans and index scans. Table scans on small tables are usually not a problem. A table scan on a 1M row table = BAD, REALLY BAD.

    I hope this helped.


  • First thing first... find out where those 24 hours are spent.

    Such a process should have two very different steps...

    1) Mainframe to SQL Server staging table.

    2) SQL Server staging to final table.

    An ETL process like this one has no other choice than doing full table scans on main table, after all - all rows have to be moved from mainframe to staging then moved again to final table.

    My approach will be to fine tune each step as a different, unrelated project.

    Pablo (Paul) Berzukov

    Author of Understanding Database Administration available at Amazon and other bookstores.

    Disclaimer: Advice is provided to the best of my knowledge but no implicit or explicit warranties are provided. Since the advisor explicitly encourages testing any and all suggestions on a test non-production environment advisor should not held liable or responsible for any actions taken based on the given advice.
  • The conversion from the mainframe data (in a VSAM file) inserted into the SQL staging table only takes a few minutes. Then I add some indexes to my staging table, then start the conversion from the staging table to the final table. It's that last step that takes ~24 hours.

    After trying Elliot's suggesting about displaying the actual execution plan, it appears as though the most time consuming/resource intensive portions of the proc are in "Clustered Index Update" statements.

    One other thought, right now, I am processing this where I do a Select Top 1 blah Where (criteria here) and assign the values in my select statement to variables. There are some if statements that I have to do, but if they meet the criteria, then I do an insert into the final table, I then do another Select Top 1 blah...In this scenario, does it sound like it might be faster to use a cursor? (I am using a while loop).

    Thanks again

  • gregory.anderson (4/14/2010)

    After trying Elliot's suggesting about displaying the actual execution plan, it appears as though the most time consuming/resource intensive portions of the proc are in "Clustered Index Update" statements.

    By the way, that "Clustered Index Update" statement is where I update the staging tables "ConversionStatus" field. The where clause is on the clustered index, so I would think it would be fast, or maybe that's not the one that is taking the longest...

  • gregory.anderson (4/14/2010)

    ...I am processing this where I do a Select Top 1 blah Where (criteria here) and assign the values in my select statement to variables. ...

    Is it possible in any way that you're trying to process one row at a time (aka "c u r s o r" or "l o o p"? If so, please try to convert it into a set based solution.

    A pessimist is an optimist with experience.

    How to get fast answers to your question[/url]
    How to post performance related questions[/url]
    Links for Tally Table [/url] , Cross Tabs [/url] and Dynamic Cross Tabs [/url], Delimited Split Function[/url]

  • lmu92 (4/14/2010)

    gregory.anderson (4/14/2010)

    ...I am processing this where I do a Select Top 1 blah Where (criteria here) and assign the values in my select statement to variables. ...

    Is it possible in any way that you're trying to process one row at a time (aka "c u r s o r" or "l o o p"? If so, please try to convert it into a set based solution.

    Yes, one row at a time, and each row can potentially have anywhere from 0 to 10 "extra" records to convert.

    I actually only have 680,000 rows in the table, but after conversion it ends up being around 1.5 million records because that averages out to 2.x records per row in the staging table.

    To give you a bad example, I have the primary record, then there can be anywhere from 0 to 10 "previous" records. And based on certain criteria, that determines whether any/some/all of the "previous" records get converted.

    Can you give me a quick example of a set-based solution (I'll google at the same time) to see how that would be done, and if it will work with my data?

  • gregory.anderson (4/14/2010)

    Can you give me a quick example of a set-based solution (I'll google at the same time) to see how that would be done, and if it will work with my data?

    Not really. Edit: At least: not yet.

    If you'd post table def of source and target table together with some sample data and expected result to show us the concept you're using together with a biref explanation of what you need to do I'm sure we can help you to get rid of the "evil thing" called RBAR. 😉

    For details on how to provide ready to use sample data please read and follow the first link in my signature.

    A pessimist is an optimist with experience.

    How to get fast answers to your question[/url]
    How to post performance related questions[/url]
    Links for Tally Table [/url] , Cross Tabs [/url] and Dynamic Cross Tabs [/url], Delimited Split Function[/url]

  • Ok, I'll try and post the sql stuff...this is going to be long

    Staging Table

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[PWDPermitConversionData](

    [PWDPermitConversionDataID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,

    [PermitPrefix] [varchar](1) NOT NULL,

    [PermitNumber] [varchar](6) NOT NULL,

    [CustomerNumber] [int] NULL,

    [SSN] [varchar](9) NOT NULL,

    [DLN] [varchar](9) NULL,

    [LastName] [varchar](20) NULL,

    [FirstName] [varchar](15) NULL,

    [MiddleName] [varchar](15) NULL,

    [Suffix] [varchar](3) NULL,

    [DOB] [varchar](8) NULL,

    [Street] [varchar](24) NULL,

    [City] [varchar](14) NULL,

    [State] [varchar](2) NULL,

    [Zip] [varchar](9) NULL,

    [County] [varchar](2) NULL,

    [Location] [varchar](3) NULL,

    [HCExam] [varchar](3) NULL,

    [HCStation] [varchar](2) NULL,

    [IssueDate] [varchar](8) NULL,

    [ExpirationDate] [varchar](8) NULL,

    [Status] [varchar](2) NULL,

    [PrevPermPref1] [varchar](1) NULL,

    [PrevPermNum1] [varchar](6) NULL,

    [PrevPermStatus1] [varchar](2) NULL,

    [PrevPermReturn1] [varchar](1) NULL,

    [PrevPermExpiration1] [varchar](8) NULL,

    [PrevPermPref2] [varchar](1) NULL,

    [PrevPermNum2] [varchar](6) NULL,

    [PrevPermStatus2] [varchar](2) NULL,

    [PrevPermReturn2] [varchar](1) NULL,

    [PrevPermExpiration2] [varchar](8) NULL,

    [PrevPermPref3] [varchar](1) NULL,

    [PrevPermNum3] [varchar](6) NULL,

    [PrevPermStatus3] [varchar](2) NULL,

    [PrevPermReturn3] [varchar](1) NULL,

    [PrevPermExpiration3] [varchar](8) NULL,

    [PrevPermPref4] [varchar](1) NULL,

    [PrevPermNum4] [varchar](6) NULL,

    [PrevPermStatus4] [varchar](2) NULL,

    [PrevPermReturn4] [varchar](1) NULL,

    [PrevPermExpiration4] [varchar](8) NULL,

    [PrevPermPref5] [varchar](1) NULL,

    [PrevPermNum5] [varchar](6) NULL,

    [PrevPermStatus5] [varchar](2) NULL,

    [PrevPermReturn5] [varchar](1) NULL,

    [PrevPermExpiration5] [varchar](8) NULL,

    [PrevPermPref6] [varchar](1) NULL,

    [PrevPermNum6] [varchar](6) NULL,

    [PrevPermStatus6] [varchar](2) NULL,

    [PrevPermReturn6] [varchar](1) NULL,

    [PrevPermExpiration6] [varchar](8) NULL,

    [PrevPermPref7] [varchar](1) NULL,

    [PrevPermNum7] [varchar](6) NULL,

    [PrevPermStatus7] [varchar](2) NULL,

    [PrevPermReturn7] [varchar](1) NULL,

    [PrevPermExpiration7] [varchar](8) NULL,

    [PrevPermPref8] [varchar](1) NULL,

    [PrevPermNum8] [varchar](6) NULL,

    [PrevPermStatus8] [varchar](2) NULL,

    [PrevPermReturn8] [varchar](1) NULL,

    [PrevPermExpiration8] [varchar](8) NULL,

    [PrevPermPref9] [varchar](1) NULL,

    [PrevPermNum9] [varchar](6) NULL,

    [PrevPermStatus9] [varchar](2) NULL,

    [PrevPermReturn9] [varchar](1) NULL,

    [PrevPermExpiration9] [varchar](8) NULL,

    [PrevPermPref10] [varchar](1) NULL,

    [PrevPermNum10] [varchar](6) NULL,

    [PrevPermStatus10] [varchar](2) NULL,

    [PrevPermReturn10] [varchar](1) NULL,

    [PrevPermExpiration10] [varchar](8) NULL,

    [InvalidDLNumber] [varchar](1) NULL,

    [ConversionStatus] [int] NOT NULL,

    [ConversionErrorMessage] [text] NULL,

    [ConversionStatusPrev1] [int] NULL,

    [ConversionErrorMessagePrev1] [text] NULL,

    [ConversionStatusPrev2] [int] NULL,

    [ConversionErrorMessagePrev2] [text] NULL,

    [ConversionStatusPrev3] [int] NULL,

    [ConversionErrorMessagePrev3] [text] NULL,

    [ConversionStatusPrev4] [int] NULL,

    [ConversionErrorMessagePrev4] [text] NULL,

    [ConversionStatusPrev5] [int] NULL,

    [ConversionErrorMessagePrev5] [text] NULL,

    [ConversionStatusPrev6] [int] NULL,

    [ConversionErrorMessagePrev6] [text] NULL,

    [ConversionStatusPrev7] [int] NULL,

    [ConversionErrorMessagePrev7] [text] NULL,

    [ConversionStatusPrev8] [int] NULL,

    [ConversionErrorMessagePrev8] [text] NULL,

    [ConversionStatusPrev9] [int] NULL,

    [ConversionErrorMessagePrev9] [text] NULL,

    [ConversionStatusPrev10] [int] NULL,

    [ConversionErrorMessagePrev10] [text] NULL


    Final/Destination Table

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[PWDPermit](

    [PWDPermitID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,

    [PermitNo] [int] NOT NULL,

    [CustNo] [int] NOT NULL,

    [PWDPermitTypeID] [int] NOT NULL,

    [PWDPermitStatusID] [int] NOT NULL,

    [PWDPermitDeviceTypeID] [int] NOT NULL,

    [Location] [varchar](3) NOT NULL,

    [Examiner] [varchar](3) NOT NULL,

    [Station] [varchar](2) NOT NULL,

    [IssueDate] [datetime] NOT NULL,

    [ExpirationDate] [datetime] NULL,

    [InvalidDLNumber] [bit] NOT NULL,

    [Returned] [bit] NOT NULL,

    [CreatedBy] [varchar](8) NOT NULL,

    [CreatedDate] [datetime] NOT NULL,

    [UpdatedBy] [varchar](8) NULL,

    [UpdatedDate] [datetime] NULL


    And the infamous stored procedure...

    SelectTop 1

    @ID = PWDPermitConversionDataID,

    @PermitNumber = PermitNumber,

    @CustomerNumber = CustomerNumber,

    @PermitType = PermitPrefix,

    @PermitStatus = [Status],

    @Location = Location,

    @Examiner = HCExam,

    @Station = HCStation,

    @IssueDate = IssueDate,

    @ExpirationDate = ExpirationDate,

    @InvalidDL = InvalidDLNumber

    From IARTS..PWDPermitConversionData

    Where CustomerNumber IS NOT NULL

    And CustomerNumber > 0

    And ConversionStatus = 0

    AndPermitPrefix Not In ('P', 'H')

    And[Status] <> '06'





    CaseWhen ExpirationDate <> 'NONE' And ExpirationDate <> 'NOE' And ExpirationDate <> '' Then Convert(DateTime, ExpirationDate)

    Else @MaxDate

    End IS NULL

    OrCaseWhen ExpirationDate <> 'NONE' And ExpirationDate <> 'NOE' And ExpirationDate <> '' Then Convert(DateTime, ExpirationDate)

    Else @MaxDate

    End > @DateMinus1Year


    AndPermitPrefix <> 'M'




    PermitPrefix = 'M'



    Set@ParentIssueDate = Convert(DateTime, @IssueDate)

    --Print '----------------------------------------'

    --Print 'ID = ' + Cast(@ID as varchar)

    --Print 'PermitNumber = ' + Cast(@PermitNumber as varchar)

    --Print 'CustomerNumber = ' + Cast(@CustomerNumber as varchar)

    --Print 'PermitType = ' + Cast(@PermitType as varchar)

    --Print 'PermitStatus = ' + Cast(@PermitStatus as varchar)

    --Print 'Location = ' + Cast(@Location as varchar)

    --Print 'Examiner = ' + Cast(@Examiner as varchar)

    --Print 'Station = ' + Cast(@Station as varchar)

    --Print 'IssueDate = ' + Cast(@IssueDate as varchar)

    --Print 'ExpirationDate = ' + Cast(@ExpirationDate as varchar)

    --Print 'InvalidDL = ' + Cast(@InvalidDL as varchar)

    While(@ID IS NOT NULL And @ID > 0)



    -- Insert the primary record data inside a try/catch block


    Begin Try

    Insert Into IARTS..PWDPermit



















    CaseWhen @PermitNumber = ''Then Null

    Else Cast(@PermitNumber As Int)



    CaseWhen @PermitType = 'D'Then @PermitType_Org

    When @PermitType = 'M'Then @PermitType_Ind

    When @PermitType = 'V'Then @PermitType_Temp

    When @PermitType = 'S'Then @PermitType_Sticker

    When @PermitType = ''Then Null

    Else @PermitType -- This will make it fail for sure


    CaseWhen @PermitStatus = 'RP'Then @PermitStatus_RU

    When @PermitStatus = ''Then Null

    Else Cast(@PermitStatus As Int)


    CaseWhen @PermitType = 'S'Then @PermitDeviceType_Sticker

    When @PermitType In ('D', 'M', 'V')Then @PermitDeviceType_Placard

    When @PermitType = ''Then Null

    Else @PermitDeviceType_Unknown


    CaseWhen @Location = '' Or @Location IS NULL Then '999'

    Else @Location


    CaseWhen @Examiner = '' Or @Examiner IS NULL Then '999'

    Else @Examiner


    CaseWhen @Station = '' Or @Station IS NULL Then '99'

    Else @Station


    Cast(@IssueDate As DateTime),

    CaseWhen @ExpirationDate = 'NONE' Or @ExpirationDate = '' Or @ExpirationDate = 'NOE'Then @MaxDate

    Else Cast(@ExpirationDate As DateTime)


    CaseWhen @InvalidDL = 'Y'Then @True

    Else @False






    Set@Error = 1

    Set@ErrorMessage = Null

    --Print 'Insert was successful'

    --Print '----------------------------------------'

    --Print ''

    End Try

    Begin Catch

    Set@Error = Error_Number()

    Set@ErrorMessage = Error_Message()

    --Print 'Insert failed'

    --Print '----------------------------------------'

    --Print ''

    End Catch


    -- Update the import status for the primary record



    SetConversionStatus = @Error,

    ConversionErrorMessage = Cast(@ErrorMessage As text)

    WherePWDPermitConversionDataID = @ID

    If(@Error > 1)


    Insert Into IARTS..PWDPermitConversionErrors















    -- We only want to do previous permits that are for individuals

    If(@PermitType = 'M')



    -- Try and import the "previous" permits

    -- There can be 0 thru 10 possible examples here so let's use a dynamic query to accomplish this


    Declare@PreviousCounter Int,

    @sql nvarchar(2000)

    Set@PreviousCounter = 1


    -- Retrieve the data from the first "previous" permit and see if there are any records that need converted


    Set@sql ='

    Insert Into IARTS..PreviousPermit



    PrevPermPref' + Cast(@PreviousCounter as varchar) + ' As [PrevPermPref],

    PrevPermNum' + Cast(@PreviousCounter as varchar) + ' As [PrevPermNum],

    PrevPermStatus' + Cast(@PreviousCounter as varchar) + ' As [PrevPermStatus],

    PrevPermReturn' + Cast(@PreviousCounter as varchar) + ' As [PrevPermReturn],

    PrevPermExpiration' + Cast(@PreviousCounter as varchar) + ' As [PrevPermExpiration]


    WherePWDPermitConversionDataID = ' + Cast(@ID as varchar) + '

    AndPrevPermPref' + Cast(@PreviousCounter as varchar) + ' Not In (''P'', ''H'')

    AndConversionStatusPrev' + Cast(@PreviousCounter as varchar) + ' IS NULL


    Exec sp_executesql @sql

    Select@ID = PWDPermitConversionDataID,

    @CustomerNumber = CustomerNumber,

    @PermitType = PrevPermPref,

    @PermitNumber = PrevPermNum,

    @PermitStatus = PrevPermStatus,

    @Returned = PrevPermReturn,

    @ExpirationDate = PrevPermExpiration


    Truncate Table IARTS..PreviousPermit

    --Print '----------------------------------------'

    --Print 'ID = ' + Cast(@ID as varchar)

    --Print 'PermitNumber = ' + Cast(@PermitNumber as varchar)

    --Print 'CustomerNumber = ' + Cast(@CustomerNumber as varchar)

    --Print 'PermitType = ' + Cast(@PermitType as varchar)

    --Print 'PermitStatus = ' + Cast(@PermitStatus as varchar)

    --Print 'ExpirationDate = ' + Cast(@ExpirationDate as varchar)

    --Print 'Returned = ' + Cast(@Returned as varchar)

    While(@PreviousCounter <= 10 And @PermitNumber IS NOT NULL And LTRIM(RTRIM(@PermitNumber)) <> '')



    -- Insert the "previous" permit data into the table


    Begin Try

    Insert Into IARTS..PWDPermit



















    CaseWhen @PermitNumber = ''Then Null

    Else Cast(@PermitNumber As Int)



    CaseWhen @PermitType = 'D'Then @PermitType_Org

    When @PermitType = 'M'Then @PermitType_Ind

    When @PermitType = 'V'Then @PermitType_Temp

    When @PermitType = 'S'Then @PermitType_Sticker

    When @PermitType = ''Then Null

    Else @PermitType


    CaseWhen @PermitStatus = 'RP'Then @PermitStatus_RU

    When @PermitStatus = ''Then Null

    Else Cast(@PermitStatus As Int)


    CaseWhen @PermitType = 'S'Then @PermitDeviceType_Sticker

    When @PermitType In ('D', 'M', 'V')Then @PermitDeviceType_Placard

    When @PermitType = ''Then Null

    Else @PermitDeviceType_Unknown


    '999', -- This is unknown

    '999', -- This is unknown

    '99', -- This is unknown

    CaseWhen @ExpirationDate = 'NONE' Or @ExpirationDate = '' Or @ExpirationDate = 'NOE'Then @MinDate

    When Convert(DateTime, @ExpirationDate) > @Today Then DateAdd(mm, -1, @ParentIssueDate)

    Else Cast(@ExpirationDate As DateTime)

    End, -- This is unknown

    CaseWhen @ExpirationDate = 'NONE' Or @ExpirationDate = '' Or @ExpirationDate = 'NOE'Then @MaxDate

    Else Cast(@ExpirationDate As DateTime)


    @False, -- This is unknown

    CaseWhen @Returned = 'Y'Then @True

    Else @False





    Set@Error = 1

    Set@ErrorMessage = Null

    --Print 'Insert was successful'

    --Print '----------------------------------------'

    --Print ''

    End Try

    Begin Catch

    Set@Error = Error_Number()

    Set@ErrorMessage = Error_Message()

    Set@ErrorMessage = Replace(@ErrorMessage, '''', '''''')

    --Print 'Insert failed'

    --Print '----------------------------------------'

    --Print ''

    End Catch


    -- Update the import status for the "previous" permit record


    If(@ErrorMessage IS Null Or LTRIM(RTRIM(@ErrorMessage)) = '')

    Set@sql = '


    SetConversionStatusPrev' + Cast(@PreviousCounter as varchar) + ' = ' + Cast(@Error as varchar) + '

    WherePWDPermitConversionDataID = ' + Cast(@ID as varchar) + '




    Set@sql ='


    SetConversionStatusPrev' + Cast(@PreviousCounter as varchar) + ' = ' + Cast(@Error as varchar) + ',

    ConversionErrorMessagePrev' + Cast(@PreviousCounter as varchar) + ' = ''' + @ErrorMessage + '''

    WherePWDPermitConversionDataID = ' + Cast(@ID as varchar) + '



    Exec sp_executesql @sql

    If(@Error > 1)


    Insert Into IARTS..PWDPermitConversionErrors
















    -- Retrieve the data from the next "previous" permit and see if there are any records that need converted


    Set@PreviousCounter = @PreviousCounter + 1

    If(@PreviousCounter <= 10)


    Set@sql ='

    Insert Into IARTS..PreviousPermit



    PrevPermPref' + Cast(@PreviousCounter as varchar) + ' As [PrevPermPref],

    PrevPermNum' + Cast(@PreviousCounter as varchar) + ' As [PrevPermNum],

    PrevPermStatus' + Cast(@PreviousCounter as varchar) + ' As [PrevPermStatus],

    PrevPermReturn' + Cast(@PreviousCounter as varchar) + ' As [PrevPermReturn],

    PrevPermExpiration' + Cast(@PreviousCounter as varchar) + ' As [PrevPermExpiration]


    WherePWDPermitConversionDataID = ' + Cast(@ID as varchar) + '

    AndPrevPermPref' + Cast(@PreviousCounter as varchar) + ' Not In (''P'', ''H'')

    AndConversionStatusPrev' + Cast(@PreviousCounter as varchar) + ' IS NULL


    Exec sp_executesql @sql

    Select@ID = PWDPermitConversionDataID,

    @CustomerNumber = CustomerNumber,

    @PermitType = PrevPermPref,

    @PermitNumber = PrevPermNum,

    @PermitStatus = PrevPermStatus,

    @Returned = PrevPermReturn,

    @ExpirationDate = PrevPermExpiration

    From IARTS..PreviousPermit

    Truncate Table IARTS..PreviousPermit

    --Print '----------------------------------------'

    --Print 'ID = ' + Cast(@ID as varchar)

    --Print 'PermitNumber = ' + Cast(@PermitNumber as varchar)

    --Print 'CustomerNumber = ' + Cast(@CustomerNumber as varchar)

    --Print 'PermitType = ' + Cast(@PermitType as varchar)

    --Print 'PermitStatus = ' + Cast(@PermitStatus as varchar)

    --Print 'ExpirationDate = ' + Cast(@ExpirationDate as varchar)

    --Print 'Returned = ' + Cast(@Returned as varchar)




    Set@ID = Null


    -- Grab the next record for conversion


    SelectTop 1

    @ID = PWDPermitConversionDataID,

    @PermitNumber = PermitNumber,

    @CustomerNumber = CustomerNumber,

    @PermitType = PermitPrefix,

    @PermitStatus = [Status],

    @Location = Location,

    @Examiner = HCExam,

    @Station = HCStation,

    @IssueDate = IssueDate,

    @ExpirationDate = ExpirationDate,

    @InvalidDL = InvalidDLNumber

    From IARTS..PWDPermitConversionData

    Where CustomerNumber IS NOT NULL

    And CustomerNumber > 0

    And ConversionStatus = 0

    AndPermitPrefix Not In ('P', 'H')

    And[Status] <> '06'





    CaseWhen ExpirationDate <> 'NONE' And ExpirationDate <> 'NOE' And ExpirationDate <> '' Then Convert(DateTime, ExpirationDate)

    Else @MaxDate

    End IS NULL

    OrCaseWhen ExpirationDate <> 'NONE' And ExpirationDate <> 'NOE' And ExpirationDate <> '' Then Convert(DateTime, ExpirationDate)

    Else @MaxDate

    End > @DateMinus1Year


    AndPermitPrefix <> 'M'




    PermitPrefix = 'M'



    Set@ParentIssueDate = Convert(DateTime, @IssueDate)

    --Print '----------------------------------------'

    --Print 'ID = ' + Cast(@ID as varchar)

    --Print 'PermitNumber = ' + Cast(@PermitNumber as varchar)

    --Print 'CustomerNumber = ' + Cast(@CustomerNumber as varchar)

    --Print 'PermitType = ' + Cast(@PermitType as varchar)

    --Print 'PermitStatus = ' + Cast(@PermitStatus as varchar)

    --Print 'Location = ' + Cast(@Location as varchar)

    --Print 'Examiner = ' + Cast(@Examiner as varchar)

    --Print 'Station = ' + Cast(@Station as varchar)

    --Print 'IssueDate = ' + Cast(@IssueDate as varchar)

    --Print 'ExpirationDate = ' + Cast(@ExpirationDate as varchar)

    --Print 'InvalidDL = ' + Cast(@InvalidDL as varchar)



    -- The above section will hit any primary record that has been updated, but will not grab any "previous"

    -- records that have been updated...let's handle those here


    DeclarepermitCursor Cursor Local Forward_Only For


    CaseWhen ConversionStatusPrev1 = 0Then 1

    When ConversionStatusPrev2 = 0Then 2

    When ConversionStatusPrev3 = 0Then 3

    When ConversionStatusPrev4 = 0Then 4

    When ConversionStatusPrev5 = 0Then 5

    When ConversionStatusPrev6 = 0Then 6

    When ConversionStatusPrev7 = 0Then 7

    When ConversionStatusPrev8 = 0Then 8

    When ConversionStatusPrev9 = 0Then 9

    When ConversionStatusPrev10 = 0Then 10

    End As [RecordIndicator]


    WherePermitPrefix = 'M'



    ConversionStatusPrev1 = 0

    OrConversionStatusPrev2 = 0

    OrConversionStatusPrev3 = 0

    OrConversionStatusPrev4 = 0

    OrConversionStatusPrev5 = 0

    OrConversionStatusPrev6 = 0

    OrConversionStatusPrev7 = 0

    OrConversionStatusPrev8 = 0

    OrConversionStatusPrev9 = 0

    OrConversionStatusPrev10 = 0


    Declare@previousID Int,

    @RecordIndicator Int


    Fetch Next From permitCursor Into @previousID, @RecordIndicator

    While(@@Fetch_Status = 0)


    Set@sql ='

    Insert Into IARTS..PreviousPermit



    PrevPermPref' + Cast(@RecordIndicator as varchar) + ' As [PrevPermPref],

    PrevPermNum' + Cast(@RecordIndicator as varchar) + ' As [PrevPermNum],

    PrevPermStatus' + Cast(@RecordIndicator as varchar) + ' As [PrevPermStatus],

    PrevPermReturn' + Cast(@RecordIndicator as varchar) + ' As [PrevPermReturn],

    PrevPermExpiration' + Cast(@RecordIndicator as varchar) + ' As [PrevPermExpiration]


    WherePWDPermitConversionDataID = ' + Cast(@previousID as varchar) + '

    AndPrevPermPref' + Cast(@RecordIndicator as varchar) + ' Not In (''P'', ''H'')

    AndConversionStatusPrev' + Cast(@PreviousCounter as varchar) + ' IS NULL


    Exec sp_executesql @sql

    Select@ID = PWDPermitConversionDataID,

    @CustomerNumber = CustomerNumber,

    @PermitType = PrevPermPref,

    @PermitNumber = PrevPermNum,

    @PermitStatus = PrevPermStatus,

    @Returned = PrevPermReturn,

    @ExpirationDate = PrevPermExpiration

    From IARTS..PreviousPermit

    Truncate Table IARTS..PreviousPermit

    --Print '----------------------------------------'

    --Print 'ID = ' + Cast(@ID as varchar)

    --Print 'PermitNumber = ' + Cast(@PermitNumber as varchar)

    --Print 'CustomerNumber = ' + Cast(@CustomerNumber as varchar)

    --Print 'PermitType = ' + Cast(@PermitType as varchar)

    --Print 'PermitStatus = ' + Cast(@PermitStatus as varchar)

    --Print 'ExpirationDate = ' + Cast(@ExpirationDate as varchar)

    --Print 'Returned = ' + Cast(@Returned as varchar)


    -- Insert the "previous" permit data into the table


    Begin Try

    Insert Into IARTS..PWDPermit



















    CaseWhen @PermitNumber = ''Then Null

    Else Cast(@PermitNumber As Int)



    CaseWhen @PermitType = 'D'Then @PermitType_Org

    When @PermitType = 'M'Then @PermitType_Ind

    When @PermitType = 'V'Then @PermitType_Temp

    When @PermitType = 'S'Then @PermitType_Sticker

    When @PermitType = ''Then Null

    Else @PermitType


    CaseWhen @PermitStatus = 'RP'Then @PermitStatus_RU

    When @PermitStatus = ''Then Null

    Else Cast(@PermitStatus As Int)


    CaseWhen @PermitType = 'S'Then @PermitDeviceType_Sticker

    When @PermitType In ('D', 'M', 'V')Then @PermitDeviceType_Placard

    When @PermitType = ''Then Null

    Else @PermitDeviceType_Unknown


    '999', -- This is unknown

    '999', -- This is unknown

    '99', -- This is unknown

    CaseWhen @ExpirationDate = 'NONE' Or @ExpirationDate = '' Or @ExpirationDate = 'NOE'Then @MinDate

    When Convert(DateTime, @ExpirationDate) > @TodayThen DateAdd(yy, -1, @ExpirationDate)

    Else Cast(@ExpirationDate As DateTime)

    End, -- This is unknown

    CaseWhen @ExpirationDate = 'NONE' Or @ExpirationDate = '' Or @ExpirationDate = 'NOE'Then Null

    Else Cast(@ExpirationDate As DateTime)


    @False, -- This is unknown

    CaseWhen @Returned = 'Y'Then @True

    Else @False





    Set@Error = 1

    Set@ErrorMessage = Null

    --Print 'Insert was successful'

    --Print '----------------------------------------'

    --Print ''

    End Try

    Begin Catch

    Set@Error = Error_Number()

    Set@ErrorMessage = Error_Message()

    Set@ErrorMessage = Replace(@ErrorMessage, '''', '''''')

    --Print 'Insert failed'

    --Print '----------------------------------------'

    --Print ''

    End Catch


    -- Update the import status for the "previous" permit record


    If(@ErrorMessage IS Null Or LTRIM(RTRIM(@ErrorMessage)) = '')

    Set@sql = '


    SetConversionStatusPrev' + Cast(@RecordIndicator as varchar) + ' = ' + Cast(@Error as varchar) + '

    WherePWDPermitConversionDataID = ' + Cast(@previousID as varchar) + '




    Set@sql ='


    SetConversionStatusPrev' + Cast(@RecordIndicator as varchar) + ' = ' + Cast(@Error as varchar) + ',

    ConversionErrorMessagePrev' + Cast(@RecordIndicator as varchar) + ' = ''' + @ErrorMessage + '''

    WherePWDPermitConversionDataID = ' + Cast(@previousID as varchar) + '



    Exec sp_executesql @sql

    If(@Error > 1)


    Insert Into IARTS..PWDPermitConversionErrors















    Fetch Next From permitCursor Into @previousID, @RecordIndicator


  • gregory.anderson (4/14/2010)

    After trying Elliot's suggesting about displaying the actual execution plan, it appears as though the most time consuming/resource intensive portions of the proc are in "Clustered Index Update" statements.

    Are you updating staging table? if that's the case get rid of clustered index on staging table - each time you change a value on cluster index column SQL Server will reorder whole table.

    Pablo (Paul) Berzukov

    Author of Understanding Database Administration available at Amazon and other bookstores.

    Disclaimer: Advice is provided to the best of my knowledge but no implicit or explicit warranties are provided. Since the advisor explicitly encourages testing any and all suggestions on a test non-production environment advisor should not held liable or responsible for any actions taken based on the given advice.
  • PaulB-TheOneAndOnly (4/14/2010)

    gregory.anderson (4/14/2010)

    After trying Elliot's suggesting about displaying the actual execution plan, it appears as though the most time consuming/resource intensive portions of the proc are in "Clustered Index Update" statements.

    Are you updating staging table? if that's the case get rid of clustered index on staging table - each time you change a value on cluster index column SQL Server will reorder whole table.

    Yes, so do I do any index on the primary key of that table then? Should I make it non-clustered and unique, or no index at all?

    Based on the prmiary key, I'm updating the different conversion status fields based on a particular primary key value.

  • gregory.anderson (4/14/2010)

    PaulB-TheOneAndOnly (4/14/2010)

    gregory.anderson (4/14/2010)

    After trying Elliot's suggesting about displaying the actual execution plan, it appears as though the most time consuming/resource intensive portions of the proc are in "Clustered Index Update" statements.

    Are you updating staging table? if that's the case get rid of clustered index on staging table - each time you change a value on cluster index column SQL Server will reorder whole table.

    Yes, so do I do any index on the primary key of that table then? Should I make it non-clustered and unique, or no index at all?

    Based on the prmiary key, I'm updating the different conversion status fields based on a particular primary key value.

    I would create on staging table ONLY the indexes I do need to massage data there. Any extra index will only be adding overhead.

    I would not create a clustered index no matter what. You can always create unique (or non unique) index as non-clustered - as needed.

    Pablo (Paul) Berzukov

    Author of Understanding Database Administration available at Amazon and other bookstores.

    Disclaimer: Advice is provided to the best of my knowledge but no implicit or explicit warranties are provided. Since the advisor explicitly encourages testing any and all suggestions on a test non-production environment advisor should not held liable or responsible for any actions taken based on the given advice.
  • Thanks, I'll try that.

  • gregory.anderson (4/14/2010)

    Thanks, I'll try that.

    Please let us know how it goes.

    Pablo (Paul) Berzukov

    Author of Understanding Database Administration available at Amazon and other bookstores.

    Disclaimer: Advice is provided to the best of my knowledge but no implicit or explicit warranties are provided. Since the advisor explicitly encourages testing any and all suggestions on a test non-production environment advisor should not held liable or responsible for any actions taken based on the given advice.
  • gregory.anderson (4/14/2010)

    Ok, I'll try and post the sql stuff...this is going to be long


    How about some (fake) sample dta to play with?

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