Check for table EXISTence in SQL '08

  • My SQL 2000 stored proc was migrated as shown below. All the SQL 2000 tables & procs were built by [dbo] using "sa" login, and all the applications which called procs use "sa" in their connection strings. This proc checks for existence of a table called tCLsearch1. In SSMS it looks like this: [dbo].[tCLsearch1]. If it finds the table, it's supposed to drop it, and build a new one.

    When we migrated to SQL '08 we took the opportunity to move away from the sysadmin login ("sa") and set up a new user login "vb6l". Now, when I run this proc, it builds the table as [vb6l].[tCLsearch1]. When I run the proc again, it tells me "there is already a table named tCLsearch1", which indicates my EXIST statement is not working.

    Can someone tell me what the correct syntax is now for SQL '08 to check the existence of a table before further processing?

    USE [SfiData]


    /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[pGetItemLot] Script Date: 02/02/2010 11:18:17 ******/





    ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[pGetItemLot] @item char(5),

    @lot char(20),

    @desc char(50)output


    set nocount on

    If Exists (SELECT * from sysobjects

    WHERE id = object_id('[SfiData].[dbo].[tCLsearch1]') AND

    OBJECTPROPERTY(id, 'IsUserTable') = 1)

    DROP TABLE tCLsearch1

    declare @ID int,

    @season varchar(7),

    @CurrentYear int,

    @dateused datetime,

    @dailylot char(20),

    @ingrnum char(5),

    @sfilot char (20),

    @itemnum char(5),

    @EOF INT,

    @vennum smallint,

    @venname char(30),

    @venlot char(20)

    Select @EOF = 0

    Create Table tCLsearch1

    (usedate datetime,

    dlotnumber char(20),

    itemnumber char(5),

    ingrnum char(5),

    ingrdesc char(20),

    ingrlot char(20),

    idesc char(20),

    vendornum smallint,

    vendorname char(30),

    vendorlot char(20),

    venrecdate char(6))

    Select @CurrentYear = CurrentYear, @season = CurrentSeason

    FROM tSystemValues

    DECLARE lot_cursor CURSOR FOR

    SELECT f.Dateused, f.DailyLotNumber, f.ProductNumber, f.IngredientNumber, f.SFILotNumber, c.Description

    From tFinishedProductLotNumbers f, tCurrentItems c

    Where f.ProductNumber = @item AND DailyLotNumber = @lot

    AND c.ItemNumber = @item and c.CatalogYear = @CurrentYear

    IF @item IS NULL


    Set @desc = 'Invalid Product!(pGetItemLot)'

    GOTO nomatch



    Open lot_cursor

    FETCH NEXT FROM lot_cursor INTO @dateused, @dailylot, @itemnum, @ingrnum, @sfilot, @desc

    SELECT @EOF = @@fetch_status

    WHILE (@EOF = 0)


    Insert INTO tCLsearch1 (usedate, dlotnumber, itemnumber, ingrnum, ingrlot, idesc)

    VALUES (@dateused, @dailylot, @itemnum, @ingrnum, @sfilot, @desc)

    FETCH NEXT FROM lot_cursor INTO @dateused, @dailylot, @itemnum, @ingrnum, @sfilot, @desc

    SELECT @EOF = @@fetch_status


    CLOSE lot_cursor

    DEALLOCATE lot_cursor

    UPDATE tCLsearch1

    SET vendornum = v.VendorNumber, vendorlot = v.VendorLot, venrecdate = v.RecvDate

    FROM tVendorLotNumbers v

    WHERE (v.ProductNumber = ingrnum) AND (v.SFIlot = ingrlot)

    UPDATE tCLsearch1

    set vendorname = v.Name

    FROM tblVendors v

    WHERE v.VendorNumber = vendornum

    UPDATE tCLsearch1

    SET ingrdesc = c.Description

    From tCurrentItems c

    Where c.ItemNumber = ingrnum AND c.CatalogYear = @CurrentYear

    nomatch: [/code]

    Wallace Houston
    Sunnyland Farms, Inc.

    "We must endeavor to persevere."

  • whouston (2/2/2010)

    My SQL 2000 stored proc was migrated as shown below. All the SQL 2000 tables & procs were built by [dbo] using "sa" login, and all the applications which called procs use "sa" in their connection strings. This proc checks for existence of a table called tCLsearch1. In SSMS it looks like this: [dbo].[tCLsearch1]. If it finds the table, it's supposed to drop it, and build a new one.

    When we migrated to SQL '08 we took the opportunity to move away from the sysadmin login ("sa") and set up a new user login "vb6l". Now, when I run this proc, it builds the table as [vb6l].[tCLsearch1]. When I run the proc again, it tells me "there is already a table named tCLsearch1", which indicates my EXIST statement is not working.

    Can someone tell me what the correct syntax is now for SQL '08 to check the existence of a table before further processing?

    Create Table tCLsearch1

    UPDATE tCLsearch1

    UPDATE tCLsearch1

    UPDATE tCLsearch1


    Change those lines to:

    Create Table dbo.tCLsearch1

    UPDATE dbo.tCLsearch1

    UPDATE dbo.tCLsearch1

    UPDATE dbo.tCLsearch1

    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server 2008
    Author - SQL Server T-SQL Recipes

    If you can't explain to another person how the code that you're copying from the internet works, then DON'T USE IT on a production system! After all, you will be the one supporting it!
    For better assistance in answering your questions
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    Understanding and Using APPLY Part 1 & Part 2

  • You could add this to the proc to make sure all the tables are created by the dbo user.

    ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[pGetItemLot] @item char(5),

    @lot char(20),

    @desc char(50)output

    with execute as 'dbo'



    rest of proc


  • 1. You could expressly create the table with a schema-qualified name ([dbo].[tablename]).

    2. Testing IF OBJECT_ID(N'table') IS NOT NULL is a common test for file existence. To be absolutely certain that the object named is a table, you can add to a test against the sys.objects view or the sys.Tables view. A couple of variations are shown below.


    -- Commonly Seen

    IF OBJECT_ID(N'dbo.BrandNewTable') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE dbo.BrandNewTable

    -- Variations that confirm object is a user table

    IF OBJECT_ID(N'dbo.BrandNewTable') IS NOT NULL AND

    EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM sys.objects WHERE name = 'BrandNewTable' and TYPE = 'U' )


    PRINT 'dbo.BranNewTable Found. Dropping table now'

    DROP TABLE dbo.BrandNewTable




    PRINT 'dbo.BrandNewTable not found. Creating table now.'

    CREATE TABLE dbo.BrandNewTable (data varchar(max))


    select * from sys.tables


    IF OBJECT_ID(N'dbo.BrandNewTable') IS NOT NULL AND

    EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM sys.objects WHERE name = 'BrandNewTable' and TYPE = 'U' )


    PRINT 'dbo.BranNewTable Found. Dropping table now'

    DROP TABLE dbo.BrandNewTable




    PRINT 'dbo.BrandNewTable not found. Creating table now.'

    CREATE TABLE dbo.BrandNewTable (data varchar(max))


    IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM SYS.TABLES WHERE [object_ID] = OBJECT_ID(N'dbo.BrandNewTable') and TYPE = 'U')


    PRINT 'Table Exists.'




    PRINT 'No table Exists.'


    select * from sys.tables



    Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain. -- Friedrich Schiller
    Stop, children, what's that sound? Everybody look what's going down. -- Stephen Stills

  • Another alternative is to change the DEFAULT_SCHEMA for the new user using ALTER USER - see Books Online (


    Another way to check is:

    OBJECT_ID(N'dbo.BrandNewTable', N'U')

    The second parameter specifies the type of object to match with. See

    I personally think that the second parameter to OBJECT_ID should be compulsory.


  • never mind. Didn't read the whole story before answering. Sorry.

    A pessimist is an optimist with experience.

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  • You schooled me again, Paul. In all my years I've honestly never looked up OBJECT_ID to see if it even had a second parameter, although it had occurred to me more than once that it was clumsy to have to go look up the type separately. Now, I've gone to BOL and have stored away the useful fact that OBJECT_ID returns NULL when you give it the name of a spatial index. Thanks.


    Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain. -- Friedrich Schiller
    Stop, children, what's that sound? Everybody look what's going down. -- Stephen Stills

  • Bob,

    You're welcome - it's amazing how many people don't know about the second parameter.

    I try to include it in all my test rig set-up scripts these days to help people notice.

    Handy isn't it? Though, as you rightly point out, it only works for schema-scoped objects.


  • It's odd that Microsoft doesn't use that in DROP/CREATE scripts. I guess they rely on the fact that object names have to be unique.


    Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain. -- Friedrich Schiller
    Stop, children, what's that sound? Everybody look what's going down. -- Stephen Stills

  • The Dixie Flatline (2/7/2010)

    It's odd that Microsoft doesn't use that in DROP/CREATE scripts. I guess they rely on the fact that object names have to be unique.

    Microsoft can't write SQL for toffee 😀

  • I appreciate all the responses. I used WayneS's suggestion and added 'dbo.' prefix to any mention of a table (or procedure) and that did the trick. I will try MV Jones' suggestion of using 'execute as' at the next opportunity.

    I realize now that I was spoiled with SQL 2000 and Enterprise Manager (which seemed much easier to work with BTW).

    Thanx for the Help!


    Wallace Houston
    Sunnyland Farms, Inc.

    "We must endeavor to persevere."

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