Variable vs explicit value

  • Below is the query I am bashing my head at. I am sure I have been staring at it for too long and it is something stupid that I already know. If I use the variable declared at the top the query runs for eternity. If i pass the same value directly in the where clause it is immediate in returning results.

    declare @Date datetime

    set @Date = '2009-04-06 05:45:00.000'

    select tm.SEQUENCE

    , tm.[DATE OPEN]

    , tm.[CLOSED ON]

    , td.[PROBLEM #]

    , td.PDATE

    , td.[TIME SPENT]

    , a.CODE as Activity

    , g.CODE as AppTeam

    , p.CODE as Assoc --TicketDetail.*


    MagicTSD._SMDBA_._TELMASTE_ tm with (nolock)

    inner join MagicTSD._SMDBA_._TELDETAI_ td with (nolock)

    on tm.SEQUENCE = td.[PROBLEM #]

    inner join MagicTSD._SMDBA_._ACTIONS_ a with (nolock)

    on a.SEQUENCE = td.[ACTION]

    inner join MagicTSD._SMDBA_._PERSONNEL_ p with (nolock)

    on p.SEQUENCE = td.PERSON

    inner join MagicTSD._SMDBA_._GROUPDET_ gd with (nolock)

    on gd._MEMBER_ = p.SEQUENCE

    inner join MagicTSD._SMDBA_._GROUPS_ g with (NoLock)

    on gd._GROUP_ = g.SEQUENCE

    where td.PDATE >= @Date--'2009-04-06 00:00:00.000'

    and td.PDATE < dateadd(d,1,@Date)--dateadd(d,1,'2009-04-06 05:45:00.000')

    and tm.[DATE OPEN] >= @Date--'2009-04-06 05:45:00.000'

    and tm.[DATE OPEN] < dateadd(d,1,@Date)--dateadd(d,1,'2009-04-06 05:45:00.000')


    and p.JOB_FUNCTION is not null

    and upper(p.JOB_FUNCTION) <> 'LOAD LEVEL NO'

    and a.[_INACTIVE_:] = 0

    and td.[_INACTIVE_:] = 0

    and tm.[_INACTIVE_:] = 0

    and p.[_INACTIVE_:] = 0

    and g.[_INACTIVE_:] = 0

    and gd.[_INACTIVE_:] = 0

    PDATE and [DATE OPEN] are both datetime

    Let me know what you can. I have become blurry eyed at this.

  • What are your indexes on these two tables?

    MagicTSD._SMDBA_._TELMASTE_ tm

    MagicTSD._SMDBA_._TELDETAI_ td

  • I suspect "parameter sniffing" is your likely culprit. There are good articles on that if you look up that phrase in Google/Live/Yahoo/Dogpile/whatever.

    Property of The Thread

    "Nobody knows the age of the human race, but everyone agrees it's old enough to know better." - Anon

  • Lynn, unfortunately i have no control over indexes. The showplan is the same for both. there are covering indexes.

    GSquared, Thanks. I will look into that.

  • Robert Hermsen (4/7/2009)

    Lynn, unfortunately i have no control over indexes. The showplan is the same for both. there are covering indexes.

    GSquared, Thanks. I will look into that.

    That's what I was wondering about. Gus is correct, it could be parameter sniffing so that leads to the next question, is this query actually a part of a stored procedure?

  • nope. Just a plain ol' everyday query in SSMS.

    Trying to wrap up development of a larger query set to use for SSRS and this is on of the queries that will be part of it. Has not left the SSMS environment.

  • All the answers are in this Books Online entry:



  • Hi Paul

    Thanks for the link, great article!



  • Hey Flo,

    Yeah - it's one of those articles I keep going back to: for some reason I can never quite remember all the details verbatim 😉 😀


  • I know what you mean... 😛

    Article is bookmarked! 😎



  • Thanks for the link. I will dig into that.

  • THANK YOU!!! I ran into a similar issue where I created a stored procedure from a well perfroming query (2 seconds), which took 40 seconds as a stored procedure. What happened in the stored proc is I used cast statements on the passed parameter. When I removed them and used the parameters directly, the stored procedure ran at 2 seconds! Woohoo! Thank you!!!

  • I will add to the thread that there are MANY cases where you can have widely varying inputs and dynamic sql is by far the best approach to ensure optimal query plans no matter what your input parameter values.

    Kevin G. Boles
    SQL Server Consultant
    SQL MVP 2007-2012
    TheSQLGuru on googles mail service

  • I prefer to use dynamic SQL, and that has always resulted in good performance. However, in this application I chose to encapsulate the query into a stored procedure for the sake of simplicity on the application end. The query is quite complicated and long, and I thought it would be easier to maintain as an sp.

    I still see a performance loss even though I've corrected the constant folding problem.

  • Voitek (1/29/2010)

    I prefer to use dynamic SQL, and that has always resulted in good performance. However, in this application I chose to encapsulate the query into a stored procedure for the sake of simplicity on the application end. The query is quite complicated and long, and I thought it would be easier to maintain as an sp.

    I still see a performance loss even though I've corrected the constant folding problem.

    I have refactored many of my clients sprocs (especially things like search ones) with dynamic sql so it can certainly be done inside the sproc. Amazing perf gains too, not just because the optimizer gets explicit values to compare against. Often you can completely eliminate joins in the process as well - at least in search type sprocs.

    Kevin G. Boles
    SQL Server Consultant
    SQL MVP 2007-2012
    TheSQLGuru on googles mail service

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