Rounding Problem

  • Hello Everyone,

    I have some problem in table to round up some values.

    Example 1. value(declared as money) is 0.1234 base on 0.001 round up, final value will be 0.13 regardless, whatever0.xx3 is bigger then 5 or not, value must round to 0.13.

    Example 2. value(declared as money) is 0.1234 base on 0.005 round up, final value will be 0.15 regardless, whatever0.xx3 is bigger then 5 or not, value must round to 0.15.

    I tried round(xxx,2) function but it doesn't work. please help.

  • I've always found it easier to understand/read to use the FLOOR and CEILING functions when specific rules are required when shortening numbers with specific rules. If necessary add a factor to the base number to ensure that the right result is achieved, but FLOOR or CEILING (in the case you're describing it sounds like CEILING) generally do the trick, as follows:

    declare @val money

    set @val = 0.1200

    select ceiling(@Val * 100) / 100

    -- result is 0.12

    set @val = 0.1201

    select ceiling(@Val * 100) / 100

    -- result is 0.13

    It's not pretty but it does the job.

  • I too had the same requirement in one of our application but I didn't find any useful scripts at that time. So, I decided to write my own function for that.

    Here is that function:


    Author:Ramesh Saive

    Created On:28th February, 2007

    Purpose:To round the input value to specified decimals

    Input Parameters :1. @nValue: Value

    2. @strRoundType: Round Type [G: Greatest/Round Up, N: Nearest, L: Lowest/Round Down]

    3. @nRoundedTo: Rounded To

    Output Parameters:1. Rounded Value


    Example:SELECT dbo.fnRound( 0.1234, 'G', 0.01 )

    SELECT dbo.fnRound( 0.1234, 'N', 0.01 )

    SELECT dbo.fnRound( 0.1234, 'L', 0.01 )



    ALTER FUNCTION [dbo].[fnRound]



    @strRoundType CHAR(1),






    DECLARE @nRoundedValue NUMERIC(18,4),


    @nReminder NUMERIC(18,4)

    SELECT@nRoundedValue = @nValue,

    @nReminder = @nValue % @nRoundedTo

    SELECT@siToPlaces= (CASE @nRoundedTo

    WHEN10000THEN -4

    WHEN1000THEN -3

    WHEN100THEN -2

    WHEN10THEN -1


    WHEN0.1THEN 1

    WHEN0.01THEN 2

    WHEN0.001THEN 3

    WHEN0.0001THEN 4


    END )

    IF ( @strRoundType = 'G' )


    SET @nRoundedValue = ( CASE WHEN @nReminder > 0 THEN @nRoundedTo + @nValue ELSE @nValue END ) - @nReminder


    ELSE IF ( @strRoundType = 'N' )


    SET @nRoundedValue = ROUND( @nValue, @siToPlaces )


    ELSE IF ( @strRoundType = 'L' )


    SET @nRoundedValue= @nValue - @nReminder


    RETURN @nRoundedValue



  • Leo (4/2/2009)

    Hello Everyone,

    I have some problem in table to round up some values.

    Example 1. value(declared as money) is 0.1234 base on 0.001 round up, final value will be 0.13 regardless, whatever0.xx3 is bigger then 5 or not, value must round to 0.13.

    Example 2. value(declared as money) is 0.1234 base on 0.005 round up, final value will be 0.15 regardless, whatever0.xx3 is bigger then 5 or not, value must round to 0.15.

    I tried round(xxx,2) function but it doesn't work. please help.

    Leo... look up in Books Online to see what the 3rd operand of ROUND does in the following examples...

    [font="Courier New"]

    DECLARE @SomeMoney MONEY

    SELECT @SomeMoney = 0.1234

    SELECT ROUND(@SomeMoney+.009,2,1)

    SELECT @SomeMoney = 0.1200

    SELECT ROUND(@SomeMoney+.009,2,1)

    SELECT @SomeMoney = 0.1204

    SELECT ROUND(@SomeMoney+.009,2,1)


    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.

    Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)

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