Converting and Cleaning Data in DTS

  • I am not familiar with VB Script but I'm in the process of learning it while doing this project.

    I have an Import Package that takes a CSV file and imports the data into a table.

    The destination column should be a decimal(12,2). The source data is a string/varchar. The DTS package has a an Active X script transformation that is being used. Below is the code. I am only changing one column and that is the SSL_Amount column.

    When I run this the package successfully executes however when I review the data the '$' is not replaced with '#'. Really I'd like to replace the '$' and the ',' with blank values but I tried the '#' symbol cause I didn't get any results with a blank value. Neither have worked.

    Once I get the replace working I need to convert this string to a decimal. I'm not sure what command I'll need to use for that.

    Any ideas on why the below syntax runs successfully but does not actually change the data? TIA.

    Function Main()

    DTSDestination("transactionid") = DTSSource("transactionid")

    DTSDestination("transactiontype") = DTSSource("transactiontype")

    DTSDestination("transactiondatetime") = DTSSource("transactiondatetime")

    DTSDestination("ssl_amount") = DTSSource(replace("ssl_amount","$","#"))

    DTSDestination("ssl_invoice_number") = DTSSource("ssl_invoice_number")

    Main = DTSTransformStat_OK

    End Function

  • Okay I figured it out. While the above command successfully runs but doesn't change the data the problem was I need to put the replace command in front of the "DTSSource" like this:


  • Thanks for the update, and glad you got it working.

    Just remember the DTSSource() is a function, and represents a field of data. You want your other function to enclose that entire thing.

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