December 18, 2009 at 10:24 am
I have a table of download ids
create table #DownloadCode
dlc varchar(14) not null,
dlcmembernumber numeric(13,0)
alter table #downloadcode add primary key clustered (dlc)
insert into # Downloadcode(dlc)
select '2Kk6zf439f' union
select '2T3NhCD6b9' union
select '37NfDzD4J3' union
select '42kGCcHM9D' union
select '4H4jzDGG93' union
select '4yCH6MjjKk'
and a table of members who need to get a code assigned to them
create table #Members
membernumber numeric(13,0) not null
memberdlc varchar(14)
alter table #members add primary key clustered (membernumber)
insert into #members(membernumber)
select 1 union
select 2 union
select 3 union
select 4 union
select 5
I need to assign an individual code to each member record and then update the downloadcode table with the membernumber to burn the code and be able to identify who I gave it to. I could run this through with cursors but I am looking for the set based solution that I know must exist.
December 18, 2009 at 10:32 am
How is the data in these 2 tables related? How can you tell which code goes with which member? Based on your sample data, what would you want the tables to look like after the updates?
December 18, 2009 at 10:34 am
For my edification, this means that each download code can be assigned to one and only member, correct?
December 18, 2009 at 10:40 am
December 18, 2009 at 10:48 am
mrpolecat (12/18/2009)
It doesn't matter which code gets assigned to which member. There is no relation until the code is assigned. It only matters that once it is assigned it cannot be assigned again.
So, that means yes to my question?
December 18, 2009 at 10:50 am
Too bad your using SQL Server 2000, I think I have a neat way of doing this in SQL Server 2005/2008.
December 18, 2009 at 11:02 am
December 21, 2009 at 4:06 pm
In writing the cursor for this I found the best way was to just update the download file with the member number it got assigned to so I didn't have to update both tables.
--create download code table
create table #DownloadCode
dlc varchar(14) not null,
dlcmembernumber numeric(13,0),
dlcdatereceivied datetime,
dlcdateexpires datetime,
dlcissuedby varchar(50)
alter table #downloadcode add primary key clustered (dlc)
insert into # Downloadcode(dlc)
select '2Kk6zf439f' union
select '2T3NhCD6b9' union
select '37NfDzD4J3' union
select '42kGCcHM9D' union
select '4H4jzDGG93' union
select '4yCH6MjjKk'
--create members table
create table #Members
membernumber numeric(13,0) not null
alter table #members add primary key clustered (membernumber)
insert into #members(membernumber)
select 1 union
select 2 union
select 3 union
select 4 union
select 5
--cursor to assign downloadcoeds to members
declare @memnum decimal(13,0)
declare mycursor cursor for
--select any member that has not been assigned a code
select [membernumber] from members left join downloadcode on [membernumber] = dlcmembernummber where dlcmembernumber is null
open mycursor
fetch next from mycursor into @memnum
while @@fetch_status = 0
-- assign the next available code with the earliest issue date
update downloadcode set dlcmembernumber = @memnum , dlcdateissued = getdate(),dlcissuedby='DTS Package'
from downloadcode join
(select min(dlc) mindlc from downloadcode
where dlcmembernumber is null and dlcdatereceived in (select min(dlcdatereceived) from downloadcode where dlcmembernumber is null)) x on
dlc = mindlc
fetch next from mycursor into @memnum
close mycursor
deallocate mycursor
I'm still looking for a set based solution if it is out there.
December 21, 2009 at 11:57 pm
mrpolecat (12/21/2009)
I'm still looking for a set based solution if it is out there.
Do a SELECT/INTO a new table with the identity function... then take (MOD 5)+1 of the identity column. It'll be much faster than any cursor and it's set based.
--Jeff Moden
Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.
December 22, 2009 at 7:38 am
December 22, 2009 at 8:21 am
How about something like this?
--create download code table
create table #DownloadCode
dlc varchar(14) not null,
dlcmembernumber numeric(13,0),
dlcdatereceived datetime,
dlcdateexpires datetime,
dlcissuedby varchar(50)
alter table #DownloadCode add primary key clustered (dlc)
insert into #DownloadCode(dlc)
select '2Kk6zf439f' union
select '2T3NhCD6b9' union
select '37NfDzD4J3' union
select '42kGCcHM9D' union
select '4H4jzDGG93' union
select '4yCH6MjjKk'
--create members table
create table #Members
membernumber numeric(13,0) not null
alter table #Members add primary key clustered (membernumber)
insert into #Members(membernumber)
select 1 union
select 2 union
select 3 union
select 4 union
select 5
create table #tmpMembers(
MemberId int identity(1,1),
membernumber numeric(13,0)
create table #tmpDownloadCode(
DLCId int identity(1,1),
dlc varchar(14) not null
declare @MemberCount int;
insert into #tmpMembers(membernumber)
#Members m
left outer join #DownloadCode dc
on m.membernumber = dc.dlcmembernumber
dc.dlcmembernumber is null;
set @MemberCount = @@rowcount; -- How many members with out download codes
set rowcount @MemberCount; -- SQL Server 2000
insert into #tmpDownloadCode(dlc)
dlcmembernumber is null;
set rowcount 0;
#DownloadCode dc
inner join #tmpDownloadCode d
on (dc.dlc = d.dlc)
inner join #tmpMembers m
on (d.DLCId = m.MemberId);
declare @DateReceived datetime;
update #DownloadCode set
dlcmembernumber = m.membernumber,
@DateReceived = dlcdatereceived = getdate(),
dlcissuedby = 'DTS Package',
dlcdateexpires = dateadd(yy, 1, @DateReceived)
#DownloadCode dc
inner join #tmpDownloadCode d
on (dc.dlc = d.dlc)
inner join #tmpMembers m
on (d.DLCId = m.MemberId);
select * from #DownloadCode;
December 22, 2009 at 8:31 am
mrpolecat (12/21/2009)
update downloadcode set...dlcdateissued = getdate
mrpolecat, I don't see a column 'dlcdateissued' in either of your tables. Is it supposed to be dlcdatereceivied[SIC]? When I change it to dlcdatereceived nothing seems to happen. Just so I'm clear, it does not matter to you which member gets which download code, nor in which order they get assigned?
The glass is at one half capacity: nothing more, nothing less.
December 22, 2009 at 8:44 am
Sorry the table has some columns that I didn't include originally because they weren't part of the problem.
create table #DownloadCode
dlc varchar(14) not null,
dlcmembernumber numeric(13,0),
dlcdatereceived as getdate(),
dlcdateexpires as dateadd(mm,1,getdate()),
dlcdateissued datetime,
dlcissuedby varchar(50)
The code expiration date and received date are put in the table when the codes are created.
It doesn't matter which code gets assigned to which member other than we get them in batches so earlier batches should get assigned first. Once a member gets a code they should not get another code. Once a code is assigned it cannot be assigned again.
December 22, 2009 at 9:02 am
I think Lynn's solution meets all your needs then. I did not see it until after I started working on it.
The glass is at one half capacity: nothing more, nothing less.
December 22, 2009 at 9:44 am
I think, using Jeff's hint for the select into (I still don't get the (mod 5) + 1) and Lynn's code, I simplified it a little
select identity(int,1,1) did,dlc into #tmp_dlc
from #downloadcode
where dlcmembernumber is null
order by dlcdatereceived
select identity(int,1,1) mid,membernumber into #tmp_mem
from #members
left join #downloadcode on dlcmembernumber = membernumber
where dlcmembernumber is null
update #downloadcode
set dlcmembernumber = membernumber,
dlcdateissued = getdate(),
dlcissuedby = 'DTS Package'
from #Downloadcode a
join #tmp_dlc b on a.dlc=b.dlc
join #tmp_mem on did=mid
select * from #downloadcode
I don't think the row counts are necessary because the joins will limit the the number of codes assigned. I'm not sure how much overhead is added by putting all of the downloadcodes into the temp table. I am only looking at tens of thousands of codes at any given time.
Thank you all for the help.
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