Blog Post

Presenting At SQL Saturday #33 - Charlotte


Just a quick note to let you know that I'm presenting two sessions at SQL Saturday #33 in Charlotte on March 6:

Getting started in blogging and technical speaking
Are you thinking of starting a blog? Or are you interested in presenting at events like SQL Saturday but not sure what to do to get started? This panel style session with established SQL bloggers will give you tips on blogging platforms, choosing topics, techniques for giving presentations, and sage advice from years of experience.

The (Solid) State Of Drive Technology
Solid State Drives are being heralded as game changers in the world of SQL IO. What was once was a costly technology only available to those with deep pockets is now becoming affordable for mainstream use. This session look into the how SSDs work, how they perform compared to traditional hard drives, and highlight the things you need to consider when implementing SSDs on your SQL Servers. Be sure not to miss a live demonstration of solid state technology in action!

I'm really excited about the solid state drive session as I've done a lot of work with them in the last 6 months and I think the DBA community is really starting to get interested in SSDs. On that note, I'm looking for other people's insight into how SSDs have (or have not) worked for them in their SQL Servers. If you wouldn't mind sharing your opinions and observations with me, please contact me at kendal-dot-vandyke-at-gmail-dot-com.

As of the time of this post there are 9 tracks and 56 sessions (including 2 vendor sponsored sessions). The Charlotte SQL Server Users Group is hosting this event and has done a fantastic job of putting together a great lineup of speakers. Don't take my opinion though – go check out the schedule for yourself.

Registration is still open and there's a minimal charge to cover lunch. If you're anywhere near the Charlotte area this is one event you won't want to miss!


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