Client to Publisher replication only:is it possible?

  • Here's the scenario:

    I've got several stores running on a POS system and I want to replicate sales information up to the head office. However, once it gets there I do not want the information from each store being replicated out to every other store. It seems to me that this would be a common scenario, but I haven't yet found what I consider to be a good solution.

    Ideally, I would run a licensed version of SQL server at each store and each would have their own publication to which the head office would subscribe. But cost rules this option out. In some cases I wouldn't be opposed to having all information go to all stores, but SQL Express (which the stores are running on) has a 4gb limitation and for businesses with very many stores this could easily create a problem.

    I am open to hearing any suggestions!



  • brandonmooreis (1/23/2009)

    However, once it gets there I do not want the information from each store being replicated out to every other store.

    It looks to me that a transactional replication will be good for your case. The quoted sentence, above indicates that you have some subscriptions on the client locations that downloads information from the central database. Is that true?


  • It's the other way around. The central database needs to get info from the clients. But I DON'T want the clients getting info from the central database.

  • OK, either you're being repetitive (and I'm not talking about the fact that your last comment was posted twice) or I'm really missing something here... which is quite possible.

    If I do ANY kind of replication (including any kind of transactional), isn't the publisher going send updates out to the subsribers? Becuase if it does then that won't work for me. If you know how to keep that from happening then do tell because it would certainly solve my problem!

    As I'm writing this it dawned on me that I could have a seperate publication and database on the server for each store, and then use dts to combine them into one single database periodically. I think that would probably work ok, but I still wish there was a way to just have one publication and one database that the stores could replicate their information to without the publication then replicating the info from every store out to every store.



  • Perhaps what you're looking for is merge replication with parameterized row filters. Basically each POS location is a subscriber to only the rows in the table that it created.

    Give this a read.

  • That is exactly what I need. Someone else answered my question on the microsoft replication newsgroup first though so I can only give you partial credit for the solution 🙂 Thanks!

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