How to write update function using some specific criteria

  • I have some complicated task (sure for me :)) to accomplish, but I do not know how.

    I have a following table:

    ID Date Curr Currency Rate DeltaRate

    11/1/2009 100USD1.6700NULL

    21/1/2009 200EUR2.3500NULL

    31/2/2009 100USD1.6900NULL

    41/2/2009 200EUR2.4000NULL

    51/3/2009 100USD1.6200NULL

    61/3/2009 200EUR2.3000NULL

    What I need to perfom is to calculate the Deltarate based on the following

    For the first records with date 01/01/2009 I do not need it to be calculated. Delta is calculated as next day rate - previous date rate

    In the filed DeltaRate for the date 1/2/2009 I have to have the following record for USD 0.02 (Ihave got it by 1.69 (rate for 1/2/2009) - 1.67 (rate for 1/2/2009). I have difficulties to write query where it will do for multy currency and somehow will match date and currency and calculate the delta.

    Expected result for this tabe are:

    ID Date Curr Currency Rate DeltaRate

    11/1/2009 100USD1.6700NULL

    21/1/2009 200EUR2.3500NULL

    31/2/2009 100USD1.69000.02

    41/2/2009 200EUR2.40000.05

    51/3/2009 100USD1.62000.07

    61/3/2009 200EUR2.3000-0.1

    Thank you for help in advance.

  • Hi try the following example, a table is created with the dummy data in and then an update is performed on the table where the table is joined into itself using the currency code and the date minus one day, and the difference is then calculcated from the two values




    curr INT NULL,

    currency VARCHAR(3) NULL,

    rate DECIMAL(8,4) NULL,

    deltarate DECIMAL(8,4) NULL


    INSERT INTO @table VALUES (1, '2009-01-01',100 ,'USD', 1.6700, NULL)

    INSERT INTO @table VALUES (2, '2009-01-01',200 ,'EUR', 2.3500, NULL)

    INSERT INTO @table VALUES (3, '2009-01-02',100 ,'USD', 1.6900, NULL)

    INSERT INTO @table VALUES (4, '2009-01-02',200 ,'EUR', 2.4000, NULL)

    INSERT INTO @table VALUES (5, '2009-01-03',100 ,'USD', 1.6200, NULL)

    INSERT INTO @table VALUES (6, '2009-01-03',200 ,'EUR', 2.3000, NULL)


    UPDATE a

    SET deltarate = a.rate - b.rate

    FROM @table AS a

    LEFT OUTER JOIN @table AS b

    ON a.curr = b.curr

    AND =

    SELECT * FROM @table

  • Thank you Nick for respond. I will try it today and let you know the result.:-)

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