SQL Express Code Help

  • Hello,

    I was able to find a piece of code from the internet that successfully backs up my SQL Express 2005 database. According to the author the code will create a new backup every night with a different name (which it does). I was wondering if someone knew how I could limit the number of backups. I would like to retain 3 backups deleting the 4th (or the oldest one).

    I’ve set Windows Scheduler to call/run a batch file that runs the code below in a SQL CMD window.

    Batch file code: sqlcmd -S myservername\waspdbexpress -u -i E:\Backup\FullBackup.sql


    DECLARE @Path NVARCHAR(1000), @FileName NVARCHAR(255), @FullPath NVARCHAR(1255)

    SET @Path = 'E:\Backup\'

    SET @FileName = 'WaspTrackAsset_' + REPLACE(CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), GETDATE(), 101), '/', '') + '.bak'

    SET @FullPath = @Path + @FileName

    BACKUP DATABASE WaspTrackAsset

    TO DISK = @FullPath


    Here is a link to the article I used to create the code about.


  • You can run a command like this in the batch file using sqlcmd:

    DECLARE @ReturnCode int

    EXECUTE @ReturnCode = master.dbo.xp_delete_file 0, N'Path to Backups', 'Backup File Extension', 'Date To Delete Before'

    IF @ReturnCode <> 0 RAISERROR('Error deleting files.', 16, 1)

    Here's a link that gives a little explanation of the command, http://sqlblog.com/blogs/andy_leonard/archive/2009/03/11/xp-delete-file.aspx

  • Review this thread


    It has a interesting code there.



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  • A big thanks! to Jack Corbett and Support.sql for your help on this one. Since this new script has been running for a week without fail I thought it was time to share it with everyone.

    Basically the code below will first backup my SQL 2005 Express database and then deletes the oldest one(s) leaving 3 or 4 copies (based on how I have it set).

    --FullBackup.sql - name of my .sql file called by the DOS batch file

    DECLARE @Path NVARCHAR(1000), @FileName NVARCHAR(255), @FullPath NVARCHAR(1255)

    SET @Path = 'E:\Backup\'

    SET @FileName = 'YourDataBaseName_' + REPLACE(CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), GETDATE(), 101), '/', '') + '.bak'

    SET @FullPath = @Path + @FileName

    BACKUP DATABASE YourDataBaseName

    TO DISK = @FullPath


    --Removal of old backups

    DECLARE @ThreeDaysAgo VARCHAR(50)


    EXEC dbo.xp_cmdshell 'dir E:\Backup\*.bak /b'

    IF @@ROWCOUNT > 3


    EXECUTE dbo.xp_delete_file 0,N'E:\Backup',N'bak',@ThreeDaysAgo

    EXEC dbo.xp_cmdshell 'dir E:\Backup\ *.trn /b'

    IF @@ROWCOUNT > 9

    EXECUTE dbo.xp_delete_file 0,N'E:\Backups',N'trn',@ThreeDaysAgo


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