microsoft sql server management studio is unable to load this document. Class not registered

  • I tried to open a maintenance backup plan and received the following error "microsoft sql server management studio is unable to load this document. Class not registered"

    Any solution to this problem as this is our critical clustered sql server.


  • Having the same exact issue, and searching for a resolution. I'm running SQL 2005 64bit SP2 with multiple SQL instances. Issue occured after uninstalling one of the SQL instances. The message comes up when attempting to open/edit a maintenance plan and the maintenance plans stopped running after the instance uninstall. I am able to open/edit the maintenance plans from another SMS server

  • can you guys post what edition you are using? Enterprise? Standard? etc...:-D

    I'm trying to see if the server's edition is affection its features.

    I'm also looking for an answer for this issue as well. so i'm also not sure what to tell you guys.. yet:-D

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