I mentioned last year about my plans to write this, and to make it a semi-collaborative effort by incorporating comments back into the finished product (if I like them that is!). I thought I’d start by outlining what I have in mind, and then I’m going to try to post more on this project about once a week.
For each of these I want to add detail, maybe it’s a paragraph, maybe several pages, that I can to someone at any point in their career and have it be a map on where to go next as far as community involvement
How to Participate in the SQL Community
- What is the SQL Server community?
- Reading and attending is participating
- Commenting and asking questions is participating more
- Answering questions in forums/etc
- Posting a question
- Writing an article and answering comments…is participating more
- Blogging
- Attending user group meetings
- Volunteering at user group meetings
- Speaking at user group meetings
- Attending community events
- Volunteering at community events
- Speaking at community events
- PASS Summit
- Writing a magazine article
- Tech editing article/book
- Writing a book
- List of web sites, newsletters, resources
Thought it might also be interesting to profile a few people that are prominent now, and to see if the topics cover how they made it to prominence.
Post your thoughts, and then I’ll see about doing some work!