Stored Procedure Assistance

  • If possible I need some assistance on a Stored Procedure.

    I am trying to insert a cursor value into a table that is a genrating a dynamic SQL. (I know not the best coding procedure)

    But everytime I try to insert the cursor value I get a "Must Declare The Scalar Value". The variable is declared..

    Here is my wacky code:

    The issue lies in the set @sql1...I am inserting @fiscal_month_nm which is a cursor value.

    ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[Turn_prod_Month2]

    @curmth varchar (400),

    @curyr int


    -- Create temporary tables

    CREATE TABLE #tmp_level1_sales

    (level1 varchar(600),

    cost_amt money,

    fm varchar(50))

    CREATE TABLE #tmp_level1_inv

    (level1 varchar(600),

    avgvalue money,

    fm varchar(50))

    -- Declare Variables


    @sql varchar (8000),

    @sql2 varchar (8000),

    @currentdt smalldatetime,

    @enddt smalldatetime,

    @enddt2 varchar (10),

    @startdt smalldatetime,

    @startdt2 varchar (10),

    @fiscal_month int,

    @fiscal_month_nm varchar(50),

    @fiscal_year int

    declare cde cursor for

    select distinct fiscal_month, nbr_name from d_dates where cal_year = @curyr and fiscal_month <= @curmth

    open cde

    fetch next from cde into @fiscal_month, @fiscal_month_nm

    while (@@FETCH_STATUS = 0)


    -- Set variables

    Select @currentdt = max (dt) from d_dates where fiscal_month = @fiscal_month and fiscal_year = @curyr -- get max date for month and year variables (Variables passed from Media)

    Select @enddt = convert(varchar,dt,111) from d_dates where dt = @currentdt -- set end date.

    Select @startdt = convert(varchar,dt,111) from d_dates where dt = dateadd(mm,-12,@enddt) -- set start date. 12 months prior

    Select @startdt2 = convert(varchar,@startdt,111) -- strip out time

    Select @enddt2 = convert(varchar,@enddt,111) -- strip out time

    set @sql = 'SELECT F_Turns_cogs.level1,






    (D_Dates.date_id = F_Turns_cogs.date_id)'

    set @sql2 = 'SELECT F_Turns_value.level1,

    SUM(F_Turns_value.value) / count(distinct D_Dates.date_id),@fiscal_month_nm





    (D_Dates.date_id = F_Turns_value.date_id)'

    --Populate temp tables with 12 months worth of data

    INSERT INTO #tmp_level1_sales (level1, cost_amt, fm)

    exec (@Sql + ' AND ' + ' D_Dates.dt >= ' + ''''+ @startdt2 + '''' + ' AND ' + ' D_Dates.dt <= ' + ''''+ @enddt2 + '''' + ' GROUP BY F_Turns_cogs.level1')

    INSERT INTO #tmp_level1_inv (level1, avgvalue,fm)

    exec (@Sql2 + ' AND ' + ' D_Dates.dt >= ' + ''''+ @startdt2 + '''' + ' AND ' + ' D_Dates.dt <= ' + ''''+ @enddt2 + ''''+ ' GROUP BY F_Turns_value.level1')

    fetch next from cde into @fiscal_month, @fiscal_month_nm


    -- Generate Result Set

    select as Month, #tmp_level1_sales.level1 as Dept, #tmp_level1_sales.cost_amt / #tmp_level1_inv.avgvalue as Turns




    where #tmp_level1_sales.level1 = #tmp_level1_inv.level1

    and =

    and #tmp_level1_inv.avgvalue <> 0

    order by 1

    close cde

    deallocate cde

  • Your Set SQL1 is using @fiscal_month_nm in the sting itself !

    That's causing the "must declare varriable" error


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  • Thanks for the quick reply.

    I knew where the error was, I just don't understand why the error is happening?

    I a little baffled.

  • - You execute the @SQL1. This runs by its own batch and doesn't know your variable.

    - IMO you should just change your Set @SQL1 so it uses

    ... ' + @yourvar + ' ...


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  • Your dynamic SQL creates a new session that knows nothing about the delcared variables you set in your "normal" session. You will need to declare and set you variables within you dynamic SQL expression.

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  • Thanks the ... + @var + ... worked.

    I haved it in my code and dont know why I just didnt think of it before.

    I guess I was looking at it in only one way.

    Thanks for the help.

  • Been there ..... done that ...:hehe:

    Learn to play .... play to learn:w00t:


    Learn to play, play to learn !

    Dont drive faster than your guardian angel can fly ...
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    - How to prevent a sore throat after hours of presenting ppt

    press F1 for solution, press shift+F1 for urgent solution 😀

    Need a bit of Powershell? How about this

    Who am I ? Sometimes this is me but most of the time this is me

  • To keep you variables alive, sp_executesql could be preferable to EXEC.

    Kindest Regards,

    M Suresh Kumar

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