trying to return all tables except the system talbes from a given database

  • SELECT distinct


    FROM [C1COMONP002\SQLMonitor].DBA.sys.tables st

    join [C1COMONP002\SQLMonitor].DBA.sys.columns AS C

    ON C.object_id = st.object_id

    --and st.is_published = 1

    --i previously added the following constraint "and st.is_published = 1" however it appears this doesnt work in all instances. Doers anyone know how i can modify the above to not get the system tables from a gien db?

  • Cant you just do this and get the results?

    SELECT * FROM dbo.sysobjects

    WHERE OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1


  • that didnt work. It's still returning the system tables.

    Let me clarify. I'm not talking about the tables from the system database.

    I'm talking about the system tables listed under a regularly generated db. In my instance i created a DBA database and when i expand it it lists all the tables in the DBA db however at the top there is a folder called "system table" i need my querry not to return those.

    I just dont know how to identify them via sql so i can omit them.

  • sys.tables, by design, only returns user tables. BOL says that right at the top of the description, and I just tested it and confirmed it on two servers. What system tables are you seeing in it?

    Property of The Thread

    "Nobody knows the age of the human race, but everyone agrees it's old enough to know better." - Anon

  • The query I gave returns only user tables in all my databases. I tested it again on two different servers. I am not sure why it is showing system tables in your case.


  • in my instance i want to return all the talbes in my DBA database minus the system tables under the DBA database. However the below returns all the tables plus the dbo.sysdiagrams table which in this instance is indeed in the DBA db however it is listed in the dropdpwn under the "system tables" of the dba database. If you goto a db in mssql mngmt studio and expand a database that has a expandable "system tables" folder in it u'll see that the querry given will return those tables as well. I dont want those tables returned in my querry. If i can identify them i can omit them. I just can't figure out how to identify them.


  • Roy if you run what u sent me in the msdb database you will see the sysjobhistory, sysdtspackages etc tables are returned. Notice that their under the system tables folder in the msdb database. Am i the only one in the world that is seeing this or are you not looking at the issue properly or am i explaining it incorrectly or a combination the three?

    Are they being returned for you as well when you run it on the msdb db?

    SELECT * FROM dbo.sysobjects

    WHERE OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1

  • Open up profiler, replicate in the GUI what you want and use the information from the profile trace to get the query that you want.

    Shamless self promotion - read my blog

  • I moved this to the t-sql forum area because it is t-sql i'm looking for and it appears to be getting more traction.

  • MSDB if I am not mistaken almost all tables are defined as User tables.


  • Comment removed by the editor.

  • select *

    from sys.tables

    where is_ms_shipped = 0

    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server 2008
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  • WayneS that's actually how i initially implimented it. However it did not work in all instances. unfortunatly. I'm going to triple check and get back to you. Attached kinda gives u a better idea into the issue w/ a little background as to what the purpose is for.

  • use powershell

    sqlps dir SQLSERVER:\SQL\<server>\<instance>\Databases\<dbname>\Tables

    gives you only user tables, add -force if you want everything.

    Shamless self promotion - read my blog

  • dont think that will work because they actually of table type "user"

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