Incorrect Data in Report

  • Hi,

    I've been getting a strange problem with developing reports in Visual Studio where it is showing data that is incorrect. If I run a stored proc in VS I get an incorrect set of data, but if I run the same stored proc in Management Studio I get the correct set of data.

    Now the really odd part is that the VS data is mostly correct i.e. row count matches Management Studio and the core of the data also matches (by this I mean that the both datasets contain the same personnel) but a whole column will contain incorrect data. The incorrect data is still of the same type as the correct data but it does not in any way relate to the record that has been returned.

    Also the deployed report acts in the same way as Visual Studio displaying the incorrect data.

    It turns out that running sp_recompile on the stored proc in question fixes the problem but I just don't understand how two products can get different data from the same stored proc.

    Any help with this would be really appreciated as this is starting to make me lose confidence in SSRS.



  • Hi Ben

    Does the stored proc have parameters?

    Can you post the stored proc?

    “Write the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

    For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
    Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
    Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden

  • Heres the code of one of the stored procs that has been subject to this problem.

    ALTER PROCEDURE [reports].[spTimetablingEventData]

    @EnteredDateFrom as char(10),

    @EnteredDateTo as char(10),

    @EventTypeCode as varchar(3),

    @BookedForCode as varchar(12),

    @BookedByMSTCode as varchar(12),

    @ActivityCode as varchar(12),

    @RoomCode as varchar(12),

    @BuildingCode as varchar(12)







    SET @DateFrom = CONVERT(DATETIME, @EnteredDateFrom, 103)

    SET @DateTo = CONVERT(DATETIME, @EnteredDateTo, 103)



    RAISERROR (50001,11,0)

    GOTO ProcEnd


    --Raise error if start date > end date. Custom error message is returned on invalid date range.

    IF @DateFrom > @DateTo


    RAISERROR (50007,16,0)

    GOTO ProcEnd



    EI.EventTitle, EI.ModuleCode, MAV.ModuleName, MAV.Domain as ModuleArea, EI.EventInstanceDate, EI.EventStartTime, EI.EventEndTime,



    when EIR.RoomCode is null then null

    else dbo.FloorFromRoom(EIR.RoomCode)

    end as Floor, EIR.RoomCode, EI.EventCode, EI.EventInstanceSequence, EI.EventType, EI.Activity, EI.BookingCode, EI.BookedForCode,

    dbo.fProperCase(EI.BookedForForename) as BookedForForename, dbo.fProperCase(EI.BookedForSurname) as BookedForSurname, EI.BookedByMSTCode,

    dbo.fProperCase(EI.BookedByMSTForename) as BookedByMSTForename, dbo.fProperCase(EI.BookedByMSTSurname) as BookedByMSTSurname


    sits.vwEventInstance as EI LEFT JOIN sits.vwModuleAvailability as MAV

    ON EI.ModuleCode =MAV.ModuleCode and

    EI.PeriodSlotCode = MAV.PeriodSlotCode and

    EI.MAVOccurrence = MAV.AvailabilityOccurrence and

    EI.AcademicYearCode = MAV.AcademicYearCode

    LEFT JOIN sits.vwEventInstanceRoom as EIR

    ON EI.EventCode = EIR.EventCode and

    EI.EventInstanceSequence = EIR.EventInstanceSequence

    LEFT JOIN sits.vwRoom as ROM

    ON ROM.RoomCode = EIR.RoomCode


    EI.EventTypeCode <> 'U' and

    EI.EventInstanceDate Between @DateFrom and @DateTo and

    (EI.EventTypeCode = @EventTypeCode or @EventTypeCode ='All') and

    (EI.BookedForCode = @BookedForCode or @BookedForCode = 'All') and

    (EI.ActivityCode = @ActivityCode or @ActivityCode = 'All') and

    (EIR.RoomCode = @RoomCode or @RoomCode = 'All') and

    (ROM.BuildingCode = @BuildingCode or @BuildingCode = 'All') and

    (EI.BookedByMSTCode = @BookedByMSTCode or @BookedByMSTCode = 'All')

    order by








  • Which columns from this query appear to differ between the two client environments?

    “Write the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

    For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
    Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
    Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden

  • In this proc it was RoomCode which contained incorrect data in Visual Studio. Running the proc in Management Studio gave the correct data.

    The same parameters were used in both VS and Management Studio.


  • is the entereddata an actual data time or just a date ??

    This could be a reason for the difference but would need to see exactly what was being passed through

  • benreeve007 (1/26/2010)

    In this proc it was RoomCode which contained incorrect data in Visual Studio. Running the proc in Management Studio gave the correct data.

    The same parameters were used in both VS and Management Studio.


    Have a look at the function dbo.FloorFromRoom in different db's on the same server.

    “Write the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

    For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
    Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
    Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden

  • So RoomCode was incorrect, but Floor was correct? Are you sure everything else is the same in each row and that the sort order is just different? Are you sure that you are connected to the same server/database in each case?

    I'd run Profiler and run the proc from both places. Make sure you use the ExistingConnection, RPC:Completed, and SP:Completed Events so you can compare the connection properties and call between VS and SSMS. It seems odd, but one these settings could possibly be affecting sort order, etc..

  • dave.repton (1/26/2010)

    is the entereddata an actual data time or just a date ??

    This could be a reason for the difference but would need to see exactly what was being passed through

    Its just a date which is entered into a text box. The stored proc then converts the entered date into a datetime data type. In SSRS users have to enter dates as text because for some reason the calender interface is ridiculously slow on our network machines.

    Dates would be entered in the format DD/MM/YYYY.

  • Have a look at the function dbo.FloorFromRoom in different db's on the same server.

    I can't see anything which would have caused an issue. The function itself is quite simple.

    ALTER FUNCTION [dbo].[FloorFromRoom]

    (@RoomCode nvarchar(12))

    RETURNS nvarchar(25)



    DECLARE @FloorCharacter as nchar(1)

    DECLARE @TheResult as nvarchar(25)

    Set @FloorCharacter = substring(@RoomCode,2,1)

    If @FloorCharacter = '0' begin set @TheResult = 'Ground Floor' end

    Else If @FloorCharacter = '1' begin set @TheResult = '1st Floor' end

    Else If @FloorCharacter = '2' begin set @TheResult = '2nd Floor' end

    Else If @FloorCharacter = '3' begin set @TheResult = '3rd Floor' end

    Else If @FloorCharacter = '4' begin set @TheResult = '4th Floor' end

    Else If @FloorCharacter = '5' begin set @TheResult = '5th Floor' end

    Else If @FloorCharacter = '6' begin set @TheResult = '6th Floor' end

    Else begin set @TheResult = 'Another Floor' end

    RETURN @TheResult


  • Jack Corbett (1/26/2010)

    So RoomCode was incorrect, but Floor was correct? Are you sure everything else is the same in each row and that the sort order is just different? Are you sure that you are connected to the same server/database in each case?

    I'd run Profiler and run the proc from both places. Make sure you use the ExistingConnection, RPC:Completed, and SP:Completed Events so you can compare the connection properties and call between VS and SSMS. It seems odd, but one these settings could possibly be affecting sort order, etc..

    The connections were the same.

    I don't think I can get an awful lot out of the profiler at the moment because this proc is working fine now but it didn't previously. It was fixed by running sp_recompile on the stored proc. No changes were made to the actual SQL or any used functions.

    I'm just trying to understand why this problem keeps appearing in our reports. It doesn't make any sense why the same proc gives different results in different programs and that sp_recompile fixes it.

    I do remember from when I ran the trace when this proc was an issue that when run from Management Studio, VS and Reports Manager that they all asked the server to run the same stored proc and that they were all passing the same parameters.


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