Date formats - need help

  • Hi

    heres the deal....

    I am migrating a large user forum from one host to another and they both "run" sql server 2005. Trouble is they set them up differently so that when I try and import the data from the old host to the new one I get an error. I figured out that it was to do with date format and indeed when I manually vhange the date the import works. The 'old' data has the date format as follows:

    '13/01/2008 22:42:20'

    but my new server requires the date in this format:-

    '2008-01-13 10:42:20 PM'

    I can of course globally search and replace the dates n the old data with a dummy date to make the import work but I don;t want to do this - the chronology of the forum would be lost and of course user info like birth dates etc. also lost, Can any one help? I don;t want to have to go through the 16ooo forum posts and 2000 users and change the date manually on each on......


  • cant u convert the date format something like this while importing?

    Select Convert (datetime, '13/01/2008 22:42:20', 103)

    I doubt if you will get AM/PM format for time in yyyy-mm-dd date format(lets see if someone has something better to offer)


  • what does the 103 mean in the statement? And not sure I am making mysef clear...when I expoted the old data it basically dumped a massive sql file. Now I want to run this massive sql file for the import process - no?

    I try and run the sql insert statements and it gives this error unless I convert the dates to the 'right' format.

    "The conversion of a char data type to a datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range datetime value. The statement has been terminated."

    Here is one example of the insert script:-

    INSERT [tblAuthor] ([Author_ID], [Group_ID], [Username], [Real_name], [User_code], [Password], [Salt], [Author_email], [Homepage], [Location], [MSN], [Yahoo], [ICQ], [AIM], [Occupation], [Interests], [DOB], [Signature], [No_of_posts], [Join_date], [Avatar], [Avatar_title], [Last_visit], [Time_offset], [Time_offset_hours], [Date_format], [No_of_PM], [Show_email], [Attach_signature], [Active], [Rich_editor], [Reply_notify], [PM_notify], [Skype], [Login_attempt], [Banned], [Info]) VALUES (8, 4, 'Hookded', '', 'Hookded84C4571222', '541878451FDBB9F0B4089AAAE369E60413ED14B1', '5BAAA6A', '', '', 'United Kingdom', '', '', NULL, '', '', '', NULL, '', 6, '08/01/2007 17:04:00', '', NULL, '10/02/2007 00:15:49', '+', 0, 'dd/mm/yy', 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, '')

  • snadowitz (10/26/2009)

    what does the 103 mean in the statement?

    The character string that you are trying to convert is in this format dd/mm/yyyy (British/French) and its 3 if the input is dd/mm/yy

    And not sure I am making mysef clear...when I expoted the old data it basically dumped a massive sql file. Now I want to run this massive sql file for the import process - no?

    I guess you can still write T-SQL for coversions!

    I try and run the sql insert statements and it gives this error unless I convert the dates to the 'right' format.

    "The conversion of a char data type to a datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range datetime value. The statement has been terminated."

    Converting your char strings in dd/mm/yyyy format to date should do well if you specify format as 103.



  • forgive my extreme - before trying to import the data I run the command you specified then run the rest of the sql insert statements?

  • I actually meant converting the value in the insert statement (see the bolded part below)

    INSERT [tblAuthor] ([Author_ID], [Group_ID], [Username],

    [Real_name], [User_code], [Password], [Salt], [Author_email],

    [Homepage], [Location], [MSN], [Yahoo], [ICQ], [AIM],

    [Occupation], [Interests], [DOB], [Signature], [No_of_posts],

    [Join_date], [Avatar], [Avatar_title], [Last_visit], [Time_offset],

    [Time_offset_hours], [Date_format], [No_of_PM], [Show_email],

    [Attach_signature], [Active], [Rich_editor], [Reply_notify],

    [PM_notify], [Skype], [Login_attempt], [Banned], [Info])

    VALUES (8, 4, 'Hookded', '', 'Hookded84C4571222',

    '541878451FDBB9F0B4089AAAE369E60413ED14B1', '5BAAA6A',

    '', '', 'United Kingdom', '', '', NULL, '', '', '',

    NULL, '', 6, CONVERT(datetime, '08/01/2007 17:04:00', 103),'',

    NULL, CONVERT(datetime, '10/02/2007 00:15:49',103), '+',

    0, 'dd/mm/yy', 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, '')

    BTW how are you migrating your data? what destination you are selecting while exporting it?


  • Ok - I think I see what your getting at......the data resides on a hosted database at an ISP called Webfusion. In their control panel I get the options to export the data and when i do this I get the large sql data file I mentioned earlier. The DB has only about 16 tables so I guess I could export the tables individually using the 'query' option in the DB admin panel and do the date conversion during the export itself...I am a novei so I don;t know what syntax I would use to convert the date. I know executing

    'select * from tblAuthor'

    Would give me all the rows in the table but what I want is for it to give me INSERT script and also do the date conversion - is this possible?

  • Ok, not sure if this is what you are looking for,

    Test data

    CREATE TABLE #T1 (id int, date datetime)

    CREATE TABLE #T2 (id int, date varchar(100))

    INSERT INTO #T2 VALUES (1,'13/01/2008 22:42:20')

    INSERT INTO #T2 VALUES (2,'14/01/2008 22:42:20')

    INSERT INTO #T2 VALUES (3,'15/01/2008 22:42:20')

    INSERT INTO #T2 VALUES (4,'16/01/2008 22:42:20')

    To insert into first table from second table and converting data,


    SELECT id,

    convert(datetime, date, 103)

    FROM #T2

    I guess above query is what you need in your case.

    Now check the data in #T1,

    Select * from #T1

    Hope this helps, please let me know if I went off the track and did not understand your requirement at all!


  • yes - seems logical. i will give this a try and report back if it works - probably be tomorrow or the day after.

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