Sub Query returning multiple rows for particular inputs

  • The below SQL query is giving error for few employee ids in my db,I am unable to find where the problem is likely to be present.Please help.

    select -- a.vcrFrom + a.vcrTo as 'Review Period',

    a.vcrYear,c.vcrPhase,c.guidtransaction,a.guidCycleNo,c.vcremployeeid,(b.vcrFirstName + ' ' + b.vcrLastName ) as vcrName,

    isnull((select vcrstatusdescription from tblstatusmaster d

    where --c.vcrSendForReviewGoals = d.vcrSendForReviewGoals and

    c.vcrEmployeeSignOff = d.vcrEmployeeSignOff and

    c.vcrManagerSignOff = d.vcrManagerSignOff and

    c.vcrSendForReviewSelfAssessment = d.vcrSendForReviewSelfAssessment and

    c.vcrManagerReviewSignOff = d.vcrManagerReviewSignOff and

    c.vcrSelfReviewSignOff = d.vcrSelfReviewSignOff and

    c.vcrComnMgrSignOff = d.vcrComnMgrSignOff and

    c.vcrCommEmployeeSignOff = d.vcrCommEmployeeSignOff and

    c.vcrCommSkipMgrSignOff = d.vcrCommSkipMgrSignOff and

    c.vcrHRFeed = d.vcrCommHRFeed and

    c.vcrSendToTM = d.vcrCommSendToTM and

    d.vcrpriority is not null),'Goal Settings Not Initiated') as 'StatusCompleted',

    isnull((select vcrNextAction from tblstatusmaster d

    where --c.vcrSendForReviewGoals = d.vcrSendForReviewGoals and

    c.vcrEmployeeSignOff = d.vcrEmployeeSignOff and

    c.vcrManagerSignOff = d.vcrManagerSignOff and

    c.vcrSendForReviewSelfAssessment = d.vcrSendForReviewSelfAssessment and

    c.vcrManagerReviewSignOff = d.vcrManagerReviewSignOff and

    c.vcrSelfReviewSignOff = d.vcrSelfReviewSignOff and

    c.vcrComnMgrSignOff = d.vcrComnMgrSignOff and

    c.vcrCommEmployeeSignOff = d.vcrCommEmployeeSignOff and

    c.vcrCommSkipMgrSignOff = d.vcrCommSkipMgrSignOff and

    c.vcrHRFeed = d.vcrCommHRFeed and

    c.vcrSendToTM = d.vcrCommSendToTM and

    d.vcrpriority is not null),'-') as 'NextAction',

    isnull((select vcrPendingWith from tblstatusmaster d

    where --c.vcrSendForReviewGoals = d.vcrSendForReviewGoals and

    c.vcrEmployeeSignOff = d.vcrEmployeeSignOff and

    c.vcrManagerSignOff = d.vcrManagerSignOff and

    c.vcrSendForReviewSelfAssessment = d.vcrSendForReviewSelfAssessment and

    c.vcrManagerReviewSignOff = d.vcrManagerReviewSignOff and

    c.vcrSelfReviewSignOff = d.vcrSelfReviewSignOff and

    c.vcrComnMgrSignOff = d.vcrComnMgrSignOff and

    c.vcrCommEmployeeSignOff = d.vcrCommEmployeeSignOff and

    c.vcrCommSkipMgrSignOff = d.vcrCommSkipMgrSignOff and

    c.vcrHRFeed = d.vcrCommHRFeed and

    c.vcrSendToTM = d.vcrCommSendToTM and

    d.vcrpriority is not null),'Team Member') as 'PendingWith',

    isnull((select vcrStatus from tblstatusmaster d

    where --c.vcrSendForReviewGoals = d.vcrSendForReviewGoals and

    c.vcrEmployeeSignOff = d.vcrEmployeeSignOff and

    c.vcrManagerSignOff = d.vcrManagerSignOff and

    c.vcrSendForReviewSelfAssessment = d.vcrSendForReviewSelfAssessment and

    c.vcrManagerReviewSignOff = d.vcrManagerReviewSignOff and

    c.vcrSelfReviewSignOff = d.vcrSelfReviewSignOff and

    c.vcrComnMgrSignOff = d.vcrComnMgrSignOff and

    c.vcrCommEmployeeSignOff = d.vcrCommEmployeeSignOff and

    c.vcrCommSkipMgrSignOff = d.vcrCommSkipMgrSignOff and

    c.vcrHRFeed = d.vcrCommHRFeed and

    c.vcrSendToTM = d.vcrCommSendToTM and

    d.vcrpriority is not null),'-') as 'StatusCode' ,

    isnull((select vcrRedirectPage from tblstatusmaster d

    where --c.vcrSendForReviewGoals = d.vcrSendForReviewGoals and

    c.vcrEmployeeSignOff = d.vcrEmployeeSignOff and

    c.vcrManagerSignOff = d.vcrManagerSignOff and

    c.vcrSendForReviewSelfAssessment = d.vcrSendForReviewSelfAssessment and

    c.vcrManagerReviewSignOff = d.vcrManagerReviewSignOff and

    c.vcrSelfReviewSignOff = d.vcrSelfReviewSignOff and

    c.vcrComnMgrSignOff = d.vcrComnMgrSignOff and

    c.vcrCommEmployeeSignOff = d.vcrCommEmployeeSignOff and

    c.vcrCommSkipMgrSignOff = d.vcrCommSkipMgrSignOff and

    c.vcrHRFeed = d.vcrCommHRFeed and

    c.vcrSendToTM = d.vcrCommSendToTM and

    d.vcrpriority is not null),'-') as 'RedirectPage' ,

    isnull((select vcrActivity from tblstatusmaster d

    where --c.vcrSendForReviewGoals = d.vcrSendForReviewGoals and

    c.vcrEmployeeSignOff = d.vcrEmployeeSignOff and

    c.vcrManagerSignOff = d.vcrManagerSignOff and

    c.vcrSendForReviewSelfAssessment = d.vcrSendForReviewSelfAssessment and

    c.vcrManagerReviewSignOff = d.vcrManagerReviewSignOff and

    c.vcrSelfReviewSignOff = d.vcrSelfReviewSignOff and

    c.vcrComnMgrSignOff = d.vcrComnMgrSignOff and

    c.vcrCommEmployeeSignOff = d.vcrCommEmployeeSignOff and

    c.vcrCommSkipMgrSignOff = d.vcrCommSkipMgrSignOff and

    c.vcrHRFeed = d.vcrCommHRFeed and

    c.vcrSendToTM = d.vcrCommSendToTM and

    d.vcrpriority is not null),'-') as 'Activity'

    -- b.dteDuedate as 'Due Date' from tblusertogoalmapping c

    -- join tblcycle e on c.guidcycleno = e.guidcycleno

    -- join tblphase a on a.vcrYear = e.vcryear and c.vcrphase = a.vcrphase

    -- join tblduedates b on b.vcrcycle = e.guidcycleno and b.vcrphase = a.vcrphase

    from tblusertogoalmapping c

    join tblcycle a on a.guidcycleNo = c.guidcycleNo

    join vUser b on b.vcrEmployeeID = c.vcremployeeid

    where c.vcremployeeid in (select vcremployeeid from vmanager where vcrmanagerid ='745991'

    and a.vcrYear = '2009' )

  • Please post table scripts, index definitions, and sample data. Also, please provide a sample of the output you are seeing, and the desired output.

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
    I have given a name to my pain...MCM SQL Server, MVP
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  • It means that one of the queries inside the isnull function returns more then 1 value, which is not allows. Here is a small demonstrations of the subject:

    --returns an error

    select isnull((select 1 union select 2 union select null),0)

    declare @tbl table (i int)

    insert into @tbl (i)

    select 1 union select 2 union select null

    --Should work because each time that the function isnull is envoked

    --it gets one value from i

    select isnull(i,-1) from @tbl

    --Should get an error, because the select i inside the

    --isnull function produces more then 1 value

    select isnull((select i from @tbl),-1) from @tbl


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  • Those six correlated subqueries all point (correlate) to the same row in table tblstatusmaster, so why not change the query so that tblstatusmaster is LEFT JOINed in the FROM list instead, like this:

    select -- a.vcrFrom + a.vcrTo as 'Review Period',

    a.vcrYear, c.vcrPhase, c.guidtransaction, a.guidCycleNo, c.vcremployeeid, (b.vcrFirstName + ' ' + b.vcrLastName ) as vcrName,

    isnull(d.vcrstatusdescription,'Goal Settings Not Initiated') as 'StatusCompleted',

    isnull(d.vcrNextAction,'-') as 'NextAction',

    isnull(d.vcrPendingWith,'Team Member') as 'PendingWith',

    isnull(d.vcrStatus,'-') as 'StatusCode',

    isnull(d.vcrRedirectPage,'-') as 'RedirectPage',

    isnull(d.vcrActivity,'-') as 'Activity'

    -- b.dteDuedate as 'Due Date' from tblusertogoalmapping c

    -- join tblcycle e on c.guidcycleno = e.guidcycleno

    -- join tblphase a on a.vcrYear = e.vcryear and c.vcrphase = a.vcrphase

    -- join tblduedates b on b.vcrcycle = e.guidcycleno and b.vcrphase = a.vcrphase

    from tblusertogoalmapping c

    join tblcycle a on a.guidcycleNo = c.guidcycleNo

    join vUser b on b.vcrEmployeeID = c.vcremployeeid


    SELECT vcrstatusdescription, vcrNextAction, vcrPendingWith, vcrStatus, vcrRedirectPage, vcrActivity,











    FROM tblstatusmaster

    WHERE vcrpriority is not null) d

    ON --c.vcrSendForReviewGoals = d.vcrSendForReviewGoals and

    c.vcrEmployeeSignOff = d.vcrEmployeeSignOff and

    c.vcrManagerSignOff = d.vcrManagerSignOff and

    c.vcrSendForReviewSelfAssessment = d.vcrSendForReviewSelfAssessment and

    c.vcrManagerReviewSignOff = d.vcrManagerReviewSignOff and

    c.vcrSelfReviewSignOff = d.vcrSelfReviewSignOff and

    c.vcrComnMgrSignOff = d.vcrComnMgrSignOff and

    c.vcrCommEmployeeSignOff = d.vcrCommEmployeeSignOff and

    c.vcrCommSkipMgrSignOff = d.vcrCommSkipMgrSignOff and

    c.vcrHRFeed = d.vcrCommHRFeed and

    c.vcrSendToTM = d.vcrCommSendToTM

    WHERE c.vcremployeeid in (select vcremployeeid from vmanager where vcrmanagerid ='745991'

    and a.vcrYear = '2009' )

    Those correlated subqueries error out when they return more than one row. The derived table (a SELECT ...FROM... in your FROM list) does not, it will result in multiple rows in your output instead. This allows you to eyeball the values from tblstatusmaster to decide which ones to keep.

    Now here's a handy little trick: spool the output to a local temporary table, say #statusmaster, and you can examine those rows where there would be more than one row returned by the correlated subqueries, in isolation from those which don't:

    SELECT s.*, d.d_Rows

    FROM #statusmaster s

    INNER JOIN ( -- pick up all duped rows


    vcrYear, vcrPhase, guidtransaction, guidCycleNo, vcremployeeid, vcrName, COUNT(*) AS d_Rows,







    FROM #statusmaster

    GROUP BY vcrYear, vcrPhase, guidtransaction, guidCycleNo, vcremployeeid, vcrName

    HAVING COUNT(*) > 1

    ) d -- /pick up all duped rows

    ON d.vcrYear = s.vcrYear

    AND d.vcrPhase = s.vcrPhase

    AND d.guidtransaction = s.guidtransaction

    AND d.guidCycleNo = s.guidCycleNo

    AND d.vcremployeeid = s.vcremployeeid

    AND d.vcrName = s.vcrName

    ORDER BY s.vcrYear, s.vcrPhase, s.guidtransaction, s.guidCycleNo, s.vcremployeeid, s.vcrName



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  • You can use the following to check where you duplicate records is.

    select d.vcrEmployeeSignOff,










    d.vcrpriority,COUNT(*) from tblstatusmaster d

    group by --c.vcrSendForReviewGoals = d.vcrSendForReviewGoals and












    having ,COUNT(*) > 1

    Do not reinvent the wheel.

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