Relationship of sysjob[..] tables to each other

  • Hi,

    Trying to understand how sysjobs, sysjobhistory, sysjobsteps, and sysjobactivity relate each and can be utilized to trace back the performance of jobs in regards of when, how long, and if successfully executed or not has brought me to the point to ask for assistance 🙂

    The purpose of this post is to get an insight of how admins can apply these tables to retrieve a current snapshot of running jobs historical analysis of how jobs have been performing.


  • Here is a sort of starter script to show a little bit of the interaction. This will give a quick overview of some of the properties of your jobs. If you look into it and compare with the tables, I'm sure you will see how the tables link together.

    Declare @Session_IDInt

    Select @Session_ID = max(session_id) from sysjobactivity

    Select as OwnerName, as JobName, count(s.step_id) as NumSteps, j.date_created as CreatedDate

    ,Case j.enabled

    When 1

    Then 'Enabled'



    End As IsEnabled

    ,a.start_execution_date as LastRunDate, a.Next_Scheduled_Run_Date as NextRunDate

    ,Case h.run_status

    When 0

    Then 'Failed'

    When 1

    Then 'Succeeded'

    When 2

    Then 'Retry'

    When 3

    Then 'Canceled'

    When 4

    Then 'In Progress'

    End As LastRunStatus

    ,h.run_duration as RunTime,h.message As MessageText

    ,Case IsNull(h.instance_id,0)

    When 0

    Then 'True'



    End As JobHasHistory

    From sysjobs j

    Inner Join master.sys.server_principals p

    on p.sid = j.owner_sid

    Inner Join sysjobactivity a

    On a.job_id = j.job_id

    And a.session_id = @Session_ID

    Inner Join sysjobsteps s

    On s.job_id = j.job_id

    Left Outer Join sysjobhistory h

    On a.job_history_id = h.instance_id

    Group By s.job_id,,,j.date_created,j.enabled,a.start_execution_date,a.Next_Scheduled_Run_Date,h.run_status,h.run_duration,h.message,h.instance_id

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
    I have given a name to my pain...MCM SQL Server, MVP
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  • Thanks for the Script

    Will analyze => understand => and conquer 🙂

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