Minimum Rights To Connect?

  • What are the minimum group/role/persmissions that must be given to a user account to be able to connect to Integration Services via the Management Studio? I want to give a developer access, and not sure the best way to do this.

  • Still have not figured this out. Are there any groups/roles that exist for SSIS? I can get access (but I am sysadmin) and I don't want to give those rights.

  • This may help. I am just trying to undestand Integration Services and feel your pain.

  • Thanks for the reply. I found that article too... but I know I did not change any of that and it used to work for a user now reporting issues. So I am trying to figure out if some kind of permissions, etc got changed for that user (as it works for me remotely).

  • Is there anyway you can post a copy of the error message?

  • I am not sure this is how it is...As I have given these permissions on DEV environment, not production though.

    I have a user with public server role. He has dbo role on many databases. I have given these permissions on msdb:




    SQL Agent user role (If the user wants to run the job which has ssis package). I kind of forgot what these roles do now. Please do your research and proceed.

    Let us know if you come across any solution.


  • Thanks. HAs not solved my issue yet, but that was the information I was looking for. I will let you know if I find a resolution.

  • I played around with those roles last week while working on my SSIS issue and the user was able to schedule the job but I had to also create a credential and assign it to their login for the agent to actually run the job.

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