Sum values from rows with overlapped dates

  • /*

    I have SQL that identifys overlaps in employee assignments and places the overlapped rows into temporary table #OVERLAP.

    Each employee's overlapped rows contain a percentage.

    I need to identify when the sum of the percentages for an employee with overlaps exceeds 1.

    The SQL below works for EmpID 2, but for EmpID 1 the SQL incorrectly sums the 3 overlapped records for

    ALog = 353 to 1.6 and it should just be 1.

    That is:

    352 03/08/2008 thru 03/31/2008 Percent = 0.6 |-----------|

    353 03/08/2008 thru 04/04/2008 Percent = 0.4 |------------------|

    354 04/01/2008 thru 04/04/2008 Percent = 0.6 |----|

    My incorrect SQL results in Alog of 353 totaling to 1.6 when it should only be 1.

    I hope I have stated the problem clearly.

    Can this be accomplished in SQL or do I need to define a Cursor and go after this row by row?


    if object_id('tempdb..#OVERLAP','U') is not null




    ALog INT,

    ABegin DATETIME,


    EmpID char(11),

    APercent float,

    PRIMARY KEY (ALog, ABegin, AEnd)


    insert into #OVERLAP (ALog, ABegin, AEnd, EmpID, APercent)

    select 352, '03/08/2008', '03/31/2008', 1, 0.6 union all

    select 353, '03/08/2008', '04/04/2008', 1, 0.4 union all

    select 354, '04/01/2008', '04/04/2008', 1, 0.6 union all

    select 8347, '01/01/2008', '04/30/2008', 2, 0.33 union all

    select 4381, '01/01/2008', '01/31/2008', 2, 0.31 union all

    select 4382, '02/01/2008', '02/28/2008', 2, 0.31 union all

    select 4383, '03/01/2008', '03/31/2008', 2, 0.98 union all

    select 4384, '04/01/2008', '04/30/2008', 2, 0.31

    if object_id('tempdb..#TOTPERCNT','U') is not null




    EmpID char(11),

    ALog INT,

    ABegin Datetime,

    AEnd Datetime,

    TotPrcnt float,

    RowsInOverlap INT,

    PRIMARY KEY (EmpID, ALog, ABegin, AEnd)


    INSERT INTO #TOTPERCNT (EmpID, ALog, ABegin, AEnd, TotPrcnt, RowsInOverlap)

    select T1.EmpID, T1.ALog, T1.ABegin As ABegin, T1.AEnd As AEnd, Sum(T2.APercent) as TotPrcnt, Count(T2.APercent) As RowsInOverlap


    Where (T1.ABegin Between T2.ABegin And T2.AEnd) OR (T2.ABegin Between T1.ABegin ANd T1.AEnd)

    Group By T1.EmpID, T1.ALog, T1.ABegin, T1.AEnd

    Order By T1.EmpID, T1.ALog

    SELECT *


    SELECT *


  • I have the solution to my isuue.

    The complete thread can be found here:">

    You can't have both logic into same query!

    Either use this logic

    For EmpID 1

    ALog 1 overlaps with ALog 2 0.6 + 0.4 = 1.0

    ALog 2 overlaps with ALogs 1,30.4 + 0.6 + 0.6 = 1.6

    ALog 3 overlaps with ALog 2 0.6 + 0.4 = 1.0

    For EmpID 2

    ALog 4 overlaps with ALogs 5,6,7,80.33 + 0.31 + 0.31 + 0.98 + 0.31 = 2.24

    ALog 5 overlaps with ALog 40.31 + 0.33 = 0.64

    ALog 6 overlaps with ALog 40.31 + 0.33 = 0.64

    ALog 7 overlaps with ALog 40.98 + 0.33 = 1.31

    ALog 8 overlaps with ALog 40.31 + 0.33 = 0.64

    or use this logic

    For EmpID 1

    ALog 1 overlaps with ALog 2 0.6 + 0.4 = 1.0

    ALog 2 overlaps with ALogs 10.4 + 0.6 = 1.0

    ALog 2 overlaps with ALogs 30.4 + 0.6 = 1.0

    ALog 3 overlaps with ALog 2 0.6 + 0.4 = 1.0

    ALog 1 = 1.0

    ALog 2 = 1.0 (max of the two values above)

    ALog 3 = 1.0

    For EmpID 2

    ALog 4 overlaps with ALogs 50.33 + 0.31 = 0.64

    ALog 4 overlaps with ALogs 60.33 + 0.31 = 0.64

    ALog 4 overlaps with ALogs 70.33 + 0.98 = 1.31

    ALog 4 overlaps with ALogs 80.33 + 0.31 = 0.64

    ALog 5 overlaps with ALog 40.31 + 0.33 = 0.64

    ALog 6 overlaps with ALog 40.31 + 0.33 = 0.64

    ALog 7 overlaps with ALog 40.98 + 0.33 = 1.31

    ALog 8 overlaps with ALog 40.31 + 0.33 = 0.64

    ALog 4 = 1.31 (max of the four values above)

    ALog 5 = 0.64

    ALog 6 = 0.64

    ALog 7 = 1.31

    ALog 8 = 0.64

    You decide...

    if object_id('tempdb..#OVERLAP','U') is not null




    ALog INT,

    ABegin DATETIME,


    EmpID char(11),

    APercent float,

    PRIMARY KEY (ALog, ABegin, AEnd)


    insert into #OVERLAP (ALog, ABegin, AEnd, EmpID, APercent)

    select 1, '03/08/2008', '03/31/2008', 1, 0.6 union all

    select 2, '03/08/2008', '04/04/2008', 1, 0.4 union all

    select 3, '04/01/2008', '04/04/2008', 1, 0.6 union all

    select 4, '01/01/2008', '04/30/2008', 2, 0.33 union all

    select 5, '01/01/2008', '01/31/2008', 2, 0.31 union all

    select 6, '02/01/2008', '02/28/2008', 2, 0.31 union all

    select 7, '03/01/2008', '03/31/2008', 2, 0.98 union all

    select 8, '04/01/2008', '04/30/2008', 2, 0.31

    SELECT T1.EmpID, T1.ALog, T1.APercent,

    right('0' + rtrim(month(T1.ABegin)),2) + '/' + right('0' + rtrim(day(T1.ABegin)),2) + '/' + rtrim(year(T1.ABegin)) AS BDte,

    right('0' + rtrim(month(T1.AEnd)),2) + '/' + right('0' + rtrim(day(T1.AEnd)),2) + '/' + rtrim(year(T1.AEnd)) AS EDte,

    MAX(T2.APercent + T1.APercent) as MaxPercentOverlapped


    Where ((T1.ABegin Between T2.ABegin And T2.AEnd) Or (T2.ABegin Between T1.ABegin ANd T1.AEnd)) And T1.ALog <> T2.ALog

    GROUP BY T1.EmpID, T1.ALog, T1.ABegin, T1.AEnd, T1.APercent

  • I have discovered that the above SQL fails if an additional activity log for EmpID 2 from 2008-04-01 to 2008-04-30 at 68% is added.

    The above SQL (with the data set below) will report that for EmpID 2 ALogs 4, 7 and 9 are > 1.

    Alog 8 is reported at .99 and should be 1.32!!

    Any ideas???

    Data set

    insert into #OVERLAP (ALog, ABegin, AEnd, EmpID, APercent)

    select 1, '03/08/2008', '03/31/2008', 1, 0.6 union all

    select 2, '03/08/2008', '04/04/2008', 1, 0.4 union all

    select 3, '04/01/2008', '04/04/2008', 1, 0.6 union all

    select 4, '01/01/2008', '04/30/2008', 2, 0.33 union all

    select 5, '01/01/2008', '01/31/2008', 2, 0.31 union all

    select 6, '02/01/2008', '02/28/2008', 2, 0.31 union all

    select 7, '03/01/2008', '03/31/2008', 2, 0.98 union all

    select 8, '04/01/2008', '04/30/2008', 2, 0.31 union all

    select 9, '04/01/2008', '04/30/2008', 2, 0.68

  • Here is a solution written by Peso... original post:">



    aLog INT,

    aBegin DATETIME,

    aEnd DATETIME,

    EmpID INT,

    aPercent SMALLMONEY



    SELECT1, '03/08/2008', '03/31/2008', 1, 0.6 UNION ALL

    SELECT2, '03/08/2008', '04/04/2008', 1, 0.4 UNION ALL

    SELECT3, '04/01/2008', '04/04/2008', 1, 0.6 UNION ALL

    SELECT4, '01/01/2008', '04/30/2008', 2, 0.33 UNION ALL

    SELECT5, '01/01/2008', '01/31/2008', 2, 0.31 UNION ALL

    SELECT6, '02/01/2008', '02/28/2008', 2, 0.31 UNION ALL

    SELECT7, '03/01/2008', '03/31/2008', 2, 0.98 UNION ALL

    SELECT8, '04/01/2008', '04/30/2008', 2, 0.31 UNION ALL

    SELECT9, '04/01/2008', '04/30/2008', 2, 0.68

    ;WITH Yak(EmpID, theDate, aEnd)

    AS (








    DATEADD(DAY, 1, theDate),



    WHEREtheDate < aEnd



    MAX(thePercent) AS aPercentTotal



    SUM(s.aPercent) OVER (PARTITION BY y.EmpID, y.theDate) AS thePercent

    FROMYak AS y

    LEFT JOIN@Sample AS s ON s.EmpID = y.EmpID

    AND s.aBegin <= y.theDate

    AND s.aEnd >= y.theDate

    ) AS d

    GROUP BYaLog

    ORDER BYaLog

  • Is this what you're looking for?

    [font="Courier New"]SET DATEFORMAT mdy




    ALog INT,

    ABegin DATETIME,


    EmpID CHAR(11),

    APercent FLOAT,

    PRIMARY KEY (ALog, ABegin, AEnd)


    INSERT INTO #OVERLAP (ALog, ABegin, AEnd, EmpID, APercent)

    SELECT 1, '03/08/2008', '03/31/2008', 1, 0.6  UNION ALL

    SELECT 2, '03/08/2008', '04/04/2008', 1, 0.4 UNION ALL

    SELECT 3, '04/01/2008', '04/04/2008', 1, 0.6 UNION ALL

    SELECT 4, '01/01/2008', '04/30/2008', 2, 0.33 UNION ALL

    SELECT 5, '01/01/2008', '01/31/2008', 2, 0.31 UNION ALL

    SELECT 6, '02/01/2008', '02/28/2008', 2, 0.31 UNION ALL

    SELECT 7, '03/01/2008', '03/31/2008', 2, 0.98 UNION ALL

    SELECT 8, '04/01/2008', '04/30/2008', 2, 0.31 --union all

    --select 9, '04/01/2008', '04/30/2008', 2, 0.68

    SELECT a.EmpID, a.ALog, a.ABegin, a.AEnd, COUNT(*) AS RowsInOverlap,


       --SUM(b.APercent) AS ChildPercentTotal,

       --a.APercent + SUM(b.APercent) AS TotPrcnt,

       MAX(a.APercent + b.APercent) AS MaxPercent


    LEFT JOIN #OVERLAP b ON b.EmpID = a.EmpID AND b.ALog <> a.ALog

       AND ((b.ABegin BETWEEN a.ABegin AND a.AEnd OR b.AEnd BETWEEN a.ABegin AND a.AEnd)

       OR  (a.ABegin BETWEEN b.ABegin AND b.AEnd OR a.AEnd BETWEEN b.ABegin AND b.AEnd))

    GROUP BY a.EmpID, a.ALog, a.ABegin, a.AEnd, a.APercent

    ORDER BY a.EmpID, a.ALog


    ALog 4 = 1.31 (max of the four values above)

    ALog 5 = 0.64

    ALog 6 = 0.64

    ALog 7 = 1.31

    ALog 8 = 0.64




    EmpID ALog ABegin AEnd RowsInOverlap MaxPercent

    ----- ----- ------------------------ ------------------------ ------------- -------------------

    1 1 2008-03-08 00:00:00.000 2008-03-31 00:00:00.000 1 1.0

    1 2 2008-03-08 00:00:00.000 2008-04-04 00:00:00.000 2 1.0

    1 3 2008-04-01 00:00:00.000 2008-04-04 00:00:00.000 1 1.0

    2 4 2008-01-01 00:00:00.000 2008-04-30 00:00:00.000 4 1.3100000000000001

    2 5 2008-01-01 00:00:00.000 2008-01-31 00:00:00.000 1 0.64000000000000001

    2 6 2008-02-01 00:00:00.000 2008-02-28 00:00:00.000 1 0.64000000000000001

    2 7 2008-03-01 00:00:00.000 2008-03-31 00:00:00.000 1 1.3100000000000001

    2 8 2008-04-01 00:00:00.000 2008-04-30 00:00:00.000 1 0.64000000000000001

    “Write the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

    For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
    Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
    Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden

  • Chris, Thank you for taking the time to review this issue.

    Your SQL is correct for the EmpID 2 with only Alogs 4 through 8.

    But when I uncomment the code and run with EmpID 2 having ALogs 4 through 9...

    The MaxPercent column is correct for all rows except EmpID 2 ALog 8 = 0.99 and the value I am looking for would be 1.32. Alog 8 = 0.31 overlaps with Alog 4 = 0.33 and 9 = 0.68.


  • jwpquinn (9/15/2008)

    Chris, Thank you for taking the time to review this issue.

    Your SQL is correct for the EmpID 2 with only Alogs 4 through 8.

    But when I uncomment the code and run with EmpID 2 having ALogs 4 through 9...

    The MaxPercent column is correct for all rows except EmpID 2 ALog 8 = 0.99 and the value I am looking for would be 1.32. Alog 8 = 0.31 overlaps with Alog 4 = 0.33 and 9 = 0.68.


    Surely that's correct? Alog 8 = 0.31 plus Alog 9 = 0.68 gives a max percent of 0.99, not 1.32.

    “Write the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

    For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
    Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
    Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden

  • Yes, the SQL is correct, but the logic is not producing the desired result.

    EmpID 2 ALog 4 1/1/2008 - 4/30/2008 0.33

    EmpID 2 ALog 8 4/1/2008 - 4/30/2008 0.31

    EmpID 2 ALog 9 4/1/2008 - 4/30/2008 0.68

    ALog4 1/1--------------------------------------------4/30

    ALog8 4/1-----4/30

    ALog9 4/1-----4/30

    All share common days of overlap so all must be in the total calulation.

    0.33 + 0.31 +0.68 = 1.32

  • So, some of the time you take the maximum value of the overlaps, and other times you take the sum of the overlaps. What's the logic for the decision?

    “Write the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

    For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
    Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
    Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden

  • I have not clearly defined my question and the parameters of what I am after.

    The failure is mine, to be able have others be able to help, one must clearly define the question first.

    It is my failure to be able to do so that has made this soo hard... I am working on it.

    I have identified for each EmpID ALogs that have overlaps. Now I am trying to identify each ALog's percentage overlapped that is > 1. The percentages represent the portion of an FTE that was claimed for that EmpID during that time frame. If at any point in time during the time frame the ALog overlaps with another ALog(s) for the same EmpID and the sum of all the ALog percentages involved are > 1, then I need to flag those ALogs for further processing. One ALog could overlap with 1, 2, 3, 4 or more other ALog entries. Whether all or only one is involved in the sum is determined by if all have days in common in the overlap, if so all will have their percentages added in, if one overlaps with all of them, but there are no(or only some) common days between all the rest of them. Then all the individual overlaps that have days in common will have their percentages summed and the Max(of all the overlapped percentages for a particular ALog) is to be used. Using the Max of all possible ALog percentages that are overlapped (that is percentages are summed only if all overlapped ALogs have common days) for a particular ALog thus gives me the highest result and I can identify if at any point in time in a ALog's date range it is > 1 and I have to flag it for further processing.

    This code written by Peso yields the results I am looking for, the thread for which can be read here:">

    His solution



    aLog INT,

    aBegin DATETIME,

    aEnd DATETIME,

    EmpID INT,

    aPercent SMALLMONEY


    INSERT @Sample

    SELECT 1, '03/08/2008', '03/31/2008', 1, 0.6 UNION ALL

    SELECT 2, '03/08/2008', '04/04/2008', 1, 0.4 UNION ALL

    SELECT 3, '04/01/2008', '04/04/2008', 1, 0.6 UNION ALL

    SELECT 4, '01/01/2008', '04/30/2008', 2, 0.33 UNION ALL

    SELECT 5, '01/01/2008', '01/31/2008', 2, 0.31 UNION ALL

    SELECT 6, '02/01/2008', '02/28/2008', 2, 0.31 UNION ALL

    SELECT 7, '03/01/2008', '03/31/2008', 2, 0.98 UNION ALL

    SELECT 8, '04/01/2008', '04/30/2008', 2, 0.31 UNION ALL

    SELECT 9, '04/01/2008', '04/30/2008', 2, 0.68

    ;WITH Yak(EmpID, theDate, aEnd)

    AS (




    FROM @Sample




    DATEADD(DAY, 1, theDate),


    FROM Yak

    WHERE theDate < aEnd


    SELECT aLog,

    MAX(thePercent) AS aPercentTotal

    FROM (

    SELECT s.aLog,

    SUM(s.aPercent) OVER (PARTITION BY y.EmpID, y.theDate) AS thePercent

    FROM Yak AS y

    LEFT JOIN @Sample AS s ON s.EmpID = y.EmpID

    AND s.aBegin <= y.theDate

    AND s.aEnd >= y.theDate

    ) AS d

    GROUP BY aLog

    ORDER BY aLog


    (9 row(s) affected)

    aLog aPercentTotal

    ----------- ---------------------

    1 1.00

    2 1.00

    3 1.00

    4 1.32

    5 0.64

    6 0.64

    7 1.31

    8 1.32

    9 1.32

    (9 row(s) affected)

    Thank you for taking the time to review this issue. I do appreciate it!!

Viewing 10 posts - 1 through 9 (of 9 total)

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