How to Backup a Remote Server?

  • Hi,

    Can someone help me on how to backup a remote server.

    scenario in detail:

    Server : A (Local Server) Having SQL Server 2005 Std Edt

    Server : B (Remote Server) Having SQL Server 2005 Express Edt

    Now I wanted to take backup of databases of server B from server A. I want to store the backups of server B in the same server itself I dont want to keep those db's in server A.

    Can somebody help me...

    Thanks in Advance.

  • hey i got the solution for this....... thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

  • Hi Vinu,

    Please could you explain how you sorted it?.

    M John


  • Have configured linked server and used remte locations in the normal backups SP.... its working fine....


  • Hi

    can you be more specific, how did you take backup from remote server to local server. Can you give the steps?

    Thanks in advance..

  • He wanted to take a database backup if remote server and save the file on remote server itself. This is simple as you open any SQL Server Enterprise Manager and then connect to the remote server database. Hope you have the ability to connect to remote server database.

    Now select the database and run the backup, only the remote server's local/network drives will be available for saving the file. You will not be able to save the Remote server backup files on your local system.

  • Hi

    I need to take remote server backup on local server. Is it possible ? If it is then how can I do it ? Please suggest..

  • Yes it is possible, I have not done this, but it is worth a try.

    Use Universal Naming Convention (UNC) which would be something like this


    You need to have the local server and the remote server to exist in the same domain and your Windows login has administrative rights to access the shared drives.

    From the management studio, right click the database, select Tasks -> Backup, in the Destination section, backup to select Disk and click remove to current backup file and location details, and click on Add.

    In the next dialog box, for the text box File Name, use the \\LocalServer\C$\DBName.bak

    Here C$ is given as an example you need to modify it with respect to your server drive name where you have disk space for the backup.

    Due to performance overhead, it is suggested not to perform backups to network location, rather perform local backup and copy over network. (I am assuming you are not going to do this frequently)

    Have a nice day...

    Bru Medishetty

    Blog -- LearnSQLWithBru

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  • Actually my primary server is on VPN location and I want to take backup on my local server that is on my local LAN. How to take backup on local server in this scenario ?

  • Well, I don't have an answer readily available.

    A workaround can be planned. Do you have any reason not to have a backup on the remote server?

    Some info would help us to understand what you are trying to achieve.

    Bru Medishetty

    Blog -- LearnSQLWithBru

    Join on Facebook Page Facebook.comLearnSQLWithBru

    Twitter -- BruMedishetty

  • My production server is on VPN suppose if it gets crashed or if any failure occurs then I want to keep myself on safer side so that I can't lose my data.

  • You can for sure take a local backup on to the Production Server and then use the \\ProductionServerName\DriveName$ to map as a network drive on your local Server and copy the backup to your local drive.

    Have you tried this step?

    Bru Medishetty

    Blog -- LearnSQLWithBru

    Join on Facebook Page Facebook.comLearnSQLWithBru

    Twitter -- BruMedishetty

  • Thanx for the solution.

  • .

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