• Hi all

    i can not take full backup of my database due to this error.

    The backup of the file or filegroup "sysft_<databasename>" is not permitted because it is not online. BACKUP can be performed by using the FILEGROUP or FILE clauses to restrict the selection to include only online data.

    Any One Help Me how to we take backup.

  • it is not online

    I think it's quite self explaining - get the database Online before trying a Backup through SSMS.

    This thing is addressing problems that dont exist. Its solution-ism at its worst. We are dumbing down machines that are inherently superior. - Gilfoyle

  • This Database currently in working but we can not take backup.because some file related to full text search (full text catalog) is missing . currently i am not using full text i can remove this catalog and can take backup but why?

  • Drop full text catalogs if not required, then perform a backup.

    It should help.

    - Win.

    " Have a great day "

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