Run Transaction Log backup based on percent log file full

  • I have an sql server 2005 database in full recovery mode that has very high activity (which incurrs logging) that occurs at random times during the week. The rest of the time the database is doing basically nothing. This is causing us to schedule a transaction log backup every 5 minutes 24/7 thru a maintenance plan so the log doesnt fill up and throw errors. This has the result of having 90+% of the transaction logs backups being very small and generating very many of them.

    I would like to reduce the number of daily tlog backups and have them only implemented when the log file size is getting to a determined threshold.

    Does anyone have a suggestions on how to schedule and automatically (thru SQL Agent) run a transaction log backup when the transaction log gets to be 70% (could be 50 to 80). I understand that we will only be able to recover to a PIT of the last transaction log backup and thats OK.

    Thanks for any suggestions.


  • You can create an Alert in SQL Server Agent based on the SQL Serverperformance condition that the transaction log is greater than a certain percentage. The response to that alert could be to run the transaction log backup job outside its normally scheduled time.

  • --create the table

    create table logspace


    dbName varchar(255),

    logSize decimal(18,5),

    logSpaceUsed decimal(18,5),

    status int


    -- create the procedure

    create procedure logsp as

    dbcc sqlperf(logspace)

    --put all these into job that's scheduled to run every 5 mins or so..

    truncate table logspace

    insert logspace

    exec logsp

    Declare @sql varchar(500)

    Declare @dbname varchar(500)

    declare log_Cursor cursor for

    select dbName from logspace where logspaceused>70

    open log_cursor

    fetch next from log_cursor into @dbname

    while @@fetch_status0


    set @sql='backup log ' + @dbname + ' to disk=c:\'+@dbname+convert(varchar, getdate(),112)

    print @sql

    exec sp_executesql @sql


    close log_cursor

    deallocate log_cursor

    Pradeep Singh

  • I understand that this would reduce the # of files you need to restore in order to restore the database, but is it really worth it?

    If you run a trace and the run the Disk Usage report in SSMS you can see how that report returns the data for space used for the log. Here it is:

    declare @tran_log_space_usage table


    database_name sysname,

    log_size_mb float,

    log_space_used float,

    status int

    ) ;

    insert into


    exec (


    ) ;


    1 as l1,

    1 as l2,

    log_size_mb as LogSizeMB,

    cast(convert(float, log_space_used) as decimal(10, 1)) as SpaceUsage,

    'Used' as UsageType




    database_name = DB_NAME()



    1 as l1,

    1 as l2,


    cast(convert(float, (100 - log_space_used)) as decimal(10, 1)) as SpaceUsage,

    'Unused' as UsageType




    database_name = DB_NAME() ;

    You could then modify that to determine % space used and run your backup as needed. Here would be the idea:

    Get the %free space

    If % space used > n then backup log else do nothing.

  • Guess I was too slow, as usual.

    Lynn has an interesting solution, but I'm not sure I'd want to count on the alert to fire a backup.

    Another thought is that I would probably add code to make sure I got a backup at least every 30 minutes, but I'm a bit picky about having backups.

    Are you doing any differential backups? If I had to do log backups every 5 minutes, I'd probably do several differentials during the day as well to limit the # of backups I had to apply in a recovery situation.

  • Actually, Jack, I should have been more specific. I'd still have a regularly scheduled t-log backup process running. The Alert would just run that job outside its normal schedule should there be excessive t-log activitiy taking the t-log over a specified percentage between scheduled t-log backups.

  • Thanks for the responses

    I currently do weekly full and daily differential backups in addition to the transaction log backups. Currently I tend to investigate the alert method with a transactional log safety net at a determined interval of time. Maybe the best of both worlds.


  • The FILEPROPERTY function provides the count of pages used in a file, which can be compared to the total number of pages in the file, available in sys.database_files. All log files are in data_space_id 0.

    This allows you to determine how full files are without messing with DBCC into temp tables.

    To check if a database's log is more than 70% full:

    IF EXISTS(SELECT * FROM sys.database_files f

    WHERE f.data_space_id = 0

    GROUP BY f.data_space_id

    HAVING SUM(CONVERT(int, FILEPROPERTY(, 'SpaceUsed'))) / (1.0 * SUM(f.size)) > .70 )


    -- backup the log here



    Eddie Wuerch
    MCM: SQL

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