Random Text Data

  • Hello Everyone

    I am looking for a way to create some random text data that is over 2000 characters. It can have sentences and punctuation. I am not sure where to begin with this. I know OOP Language can create this, I would think SQL can create this also.

    I am looking thru the BOL, but if you don't know what it is named, how can you look it up.


    Andrew SQLDBA

  • Thanks any way, I found a really great random text generator for SQL. This will create all kinds of junk text,

    Just change the @Length variable for the length of the Text. Remove the blank space from the @ValidCharacters to remove sentences.

    DECLARE @RandomText varchar(8000)

    DECLARE @counter smallint

    DECLARE @RandomNumber float

    DECLARE @RandomNumberInt bigint

    DECLARE @CurrentCharacter varchar(1)

    DECLARE @ValidCharacters varchar(255)

    DECLARE @Length int

    SET @ValidCharacters = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789._'

    DECLARE @ValidCharactersLength int

    SET @ValidCharactersLength = len(@ValidCharacters)

    SET @CurrentCharacter = ''

    SET @RandomNumber = 0

    SET @RandomNumberInt = 0

    SET @RandomText = ''

    SET @Length = 5000


    SET @counter = 1

    WHILE @counter < (@Length + 1)


    SET @RandomNumber = Rand()

    SET @RandomNumberInt = Convert(BIGINT, ((@ValidCharactersLength - 1) * @RandomNumber + 1))

    SELECT @CurrentCharacter = SUBSTRING(@ValidCharacters, @RandomNumberInt, 1)

    SET @counter = @counter + 1

    SET @RandomText = @RandomText + @CurrentCharacter


    SELECT @RandomText

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