Does a SQL Job need permission to call Stored Procedures on same server?

  • Hi everyone,

    Not sure if there is a better forum than this for this question (sorry if there is!). I'm about to create a SQL Job (under SQL Server Agent) which will call several Stored Procedures, once every hour. The SPs will be sitting on the same server as the calling job. I haven't had any experience with SQL Jobs before and want to know whether I'd need to somehow grant execute permission to the job. I'm assuming no, because they're all sitting on the same server, but just wanted to check as I don't want any nasty surprises at implementation time! Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks,


  • If in doubt set the owner of the job as SA this will now run the job as the account that runs SQL Server, and provided this has not been restricted it will be able to run all jobs on the server. If it has been restricted you will need to set the owner of the job as an account that has rights to execute each stored procedure.

    Facts are stubborn things, but statistics are more pliable - Mark Twain

  • Thanks for your help Carolyn,


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