Problem generating SQL for pie chart

  • I am trying to create a pie chart in SSRS 2008 to use with the following table:

    IF OBJECT_ID(N'tempdb..#DriveInfo') IS NULL


    CREATE TABLE #DriveInfo(

    [pkDriveRecordID] [int] NOT NULL,

    [fkServerID] [int] NOT NULL,

    [DriveLetter] [char](1) NOT NULL,

    [CapacityMB] [bigint] NOT NULL,

    [UsedSpaceMB] [bigint] NOT NULL,

    [FreeSpaceMB] [bigint] NOT NULL,

    [FreeSpacePercent] [tinyint] NOT NULL,

    [ClusterSizeKB] [smallint] NULL,

    [FileFragmentationPercent] [tinyint] NULL,

    [TotalFragmentationPercent] [tinyint] NULL,

    [FreeSpaceFragmentationPercent] [tinyint] NULL,

    [FileFragmentCount] [bigint] NULL,

    [ExcessFolderFragmentCount] [bigint] NULL,

    [EntryDateTime] [datetime] NOT NULL




    INSERT INTO #DriveInfo

    SELECT 1, 3, N'C', 14324, 11126, 3198, 22, 4096, 43, 22, 1, 63988, 2150, CAST(0x00009D1401149A41 AS DateTime)


    SELECT 2, 4, N'C', 14324, 11652, 2672, 19, 4096, 48, 25, 2, 56794, 1798, CAST(0x00009D1401149A41 AS DateTime)


    SELECT 3, 7, N'C', 20466, 8901, 11565, 57, 4096, 38, 19, 0, 48119, 1762, CAST(0x00009D1401149A41 AS DateTime)


    SELECT 4, 9, N'C', 14331, 11785, 2546, 18, 4096, 46, 23, 0, 39201, 2441, CAST(0x00009D1401149A41 AS DateTime)


    SELECT 5, 10, N'C', 30726, 17078, 13648, 44, 4096, 10, 5, 0, 25927, 613, CAST(0x00009D1401149A41 AS DateTime)


    SELECT 6, 10, N'E', 40947, 30770, 10177, 25, 4096, 74, 37, 0, 158, 3, CAST(0x00009D1401149A41 AS DateTime)


    SELECT 7, 11, N'C', 122880, 81963, 40917, 33, 4096, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, CAST(0x00009D1401149A41 AS DateTime)


    SELECT 8, 12, N'C', 40963, 18677, 22285, 54, 4096, 49, 24, 0, 122265, 2040, CAST(0x00009D1401149A41 AS DateTime)


    SELECT 9, 12, N'E', 30726, 18011, 12715, 41, 4096, 31, 15, 0, 522, 162, CAST(0x00009D1401149A41 AS DateTime)


    SELECT 10, 13, N'C', 14324, 10972, 3352, 23, 4096, 43, 22, 1, 65933, 2094, CAST(0x00009D1401149A41 AS DateTime)

    I am simply trying to take 1 row from the above table and create a pie chart showing free space and used space for it but am struggling to do so.

    Am I right in assuming that what I need to do this is to use a dataset query returning a table in the following format (Example assumes I am trying to generate a pie chart for pkDriveRecordID = 1 from the above table)

    IF OBJECT_ID(N'tempdb..#DriveSpace') IS NULL


    Create Table #DriveSpace(

    Category varchar(20),

    SizeInMB bigint




    INSERT INTO #DriveSpace

    SELECT 'FreeSpace', 3198


    SELECT 'UsedSpace', 11126

    If this is the case, can you please give me advice on how to transform my table into the desired format?

    Many thanks,


  • Quick and dirty stored procedure psuedocode:


    Insert into Pietable

    "freespace" as category,

    FreeSpaceMB as drivespace,



    Insert into Pietable

    "UsedSpace" as category,

    UsedSpaceMB as drivespace,


    I haven't done much T-SQL work in a while, but that gives you the bones. Even if you're dealing with a massive datacenter with thousands of drives, it's improbable that the clunkiness of the above will make any meaningful difference in performance (does it really matter if the procedure takes 700 milliseconds vs 200? I doubt it). Therefore, simply making two passes through will get you past this and on to something else.

    Grace and peace,


  • That's pretty much what I ended up doing 🙂

    Thanks for your reply.


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