DB Maintenance Plan 'Database_Backups( Status failed)(SQL 2000)

  • Hi All,

    I have a problem with maintenance plan.I have two steps the first step is to clear out old backup files and second step is to EXECUTE master.dbo.xp_sqlmaint and backup files on one of our drives,but the second step keeps failing.PLEASE Help,I have tried to lookup the error with microsoft,they say the cause is, The string for the target folder (the folder specified to store the database backup, or the one used for the transaction log backup or the one used for reports) in a maintenance plan contains "-S" on my path, but Ihave check and everything looks fine.HELP PLEASE 🙁



  • Is it possible that step 1 is causing step 2 to fail ? Try to remove step1 and see if it works.

  • I will try that. Thanks

  • Hi did not work, any suggestions..

  • Redo the maintenance plan with a simple database backup and see if it works.

    At work, I have a job that have two steps like yours. The first is a DTS (or SSIS) that uses ActiveScript to cleanup the files. Then I use the following SQL script to do the backup.

    declare @backup_name varchar(500), @backup_date varchar(14)

    --this returns yyyymmddhhmmss

    set @backup_date = convert(varchar(8), getdate(), 112) + left(convert(varchar(8), getdate(), 108), 2) + substring(convert(varchar(8), getdate(), 108), 4, 2) + right(convert(varchar(8), getdate(), 108), 2)

    set @backup_name = '\\ServerName\DriverLetter$\BackupFolderName\DatabaseName_' + @backup_date + '.BAK'

    Backup database DatabaseName to disk = @backup_name with init

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