August 4, 2008 at 8:20 pm
Hi guys,
We currently have this C# winform that has a grid (infragistics) that loads upto thousands of data. Normally what is the optimal way of retrieving the data, is it to get everything on one go or get records by chunk let's say by 500 records?
Applying a paging navigation is not an option, since they want all the records to be loaded on the grid since they're fond of using the infragistics group by & sorting options.
August 4, 2008 at 10:07 pm
Thousands as in a few thousand or 100,000+
I'd say it depends on what the client needs. If you can pull it asynchronously, then do what makes sense. If they can interact with it while more is downloading, perhaps chunk it. At least then you can provide status and perhaps cancel the download of future batches if the user is done.
August 4, 2008 at 11:38 pm
For now the biggest number I've seen is 56k but I don't think it would reach around a 100k.
The retrieval of data from db and binding of grid will be done asynchronously.
The debate that was going on is something like, what if there's only 1k of records, would it still be better to get it by chunk or get it by 500? Some say it's better to give more screen responsiveness, some say we need to minimize the db hits. 😀
Thanks for the quick reply. I guess it's really upto the users.
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