Table-valued function parameters - slow processing

  • I am using a system that gets information from an end-user, and puts the selection into a parameter table (for multiple selections). This seems to cause a table scan, so it slows down the processing of the data tremendously. There can be multiple parameters that are each turned into a parameter table and linked to the main table.

    Is there a way to index a parameter table? I can not create a primary key on the parameter table because nulls can be part of the selection criteria. Even if I index the tables, will this speed up the processing?

    Any advice is appreciated. Thanks.

  • How many rows can it be returned by the function? Maybe you could store the rows in a temp table and index it?

    How the function looks like - can you show the code?



    ...and your only reply is slàinte mhath

  • You can create indexes on temp tables. But not on the output from a TVF. You might consider outputing the TVF into a temp table or table variable and see if that helps.

    Are you using a CROSS APPLY or anything like that?


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