ADO.NET SQL Connection Slow

  • I'm currently testing new web servers with our existing web sites and have come across a curious problem. It seems that it's taking a very long time to get results back from SQL. It's exactly the same code, connecting to exactly the same database, but the original web server returned the data almost instantly, but the new server is taking anything up to 20 seconds.

    The old and new servers are very different. The old server was:

    Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition x86 SP3, IIS 6

    The new one is:

    Windows 2008 Enterprise Edition x64, IIS 7 (technically there are 2 of these load balanced, but I've removed that for the testing)

    It's just a simple Sql Data Reader. Here's a sample below.

    Any suggestions and/or things to check would be greatly appreciated.

    Public Sub ValidateUser(ByVal strNewUserName As String)

    Dim dr As SqlDataReader

    Dim cmd As New SqlCommand("spUser_sGet", DbAccess.getConnection)

    Me.UserName = strNewUserName



    cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure

    cmd.Parameters.Add("@username", SqlDbType.VarChar, 100).Value = strNewUserName

    dr = cmd.ExecuteReader

    If dr.Read Then

    Authenticated = True

    FullName = dr("Fullname").ToString

    Department = dr("Department").ToString

    Directorate = dr("Directorate").ToString

    PositionTitle = dr("PositionTitle").ToString

    Role = dr("role").ToString

    EsrNumber = dr("ESRnumber")

    PromisIdNumber = dr("PromisIdNumber").ToString

    StationId = dr("stationId").ToString

    ComplexId = dr("ComplexId").ToString

    Area = dr("Area").ToString

    Me.UserGroupList = Me.GetGroupList(Me.UserName)


    'no user

    Authenticated = False

    End If


    Catch ex As Exception

    Authenticated = False

    Dim objError As New MiErrorLogWs.ErrorLog

    With objError

    .Application = "MiSecurityService"

    .Database = "MiApplicationSecurity"

    .ModuleOrClass = "UserSecurityCredentialsDto"

    .StoredProcedure = "spUser_sGet"

    .SubOrFunction = "ValidateUser"

    .Description = ex.Message

    .Number = Err.Number

    .User = strNewUserName

    End With





    End Try

    End Sub

  • I guess misery loves company so...

    Our situation is similar allthough we have figured out it appears to be access to our new SQL box itself. We take our new windows 2003 64 bit web server and point it at our Windows 2003 32 bit SQL environment and everything runs fine. Change the connection to the 2008 Enterprise edition 64 bit with SQL 2005 Server 64 bit and the query time increases by 20 seconds. We did notice an improvement by disabling TOE on the network card, but that improves by around 15 seconds, but results are sporadic at best. Still working with DELL\Equallogic on this issue.

  • We did find the problem eventually. Windows was trying to do some kind of auto resize on the tcp packets. Turning the auto tune feature off fixed it for us. See this link for how to do it.

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