Using MAX function when grouping on multiple fields

  • Hello,

    I would like to extract from our Database the highest valued item purchased for each customer. Example







    The SQL should extract only two lines.

    Line 2 customer ABC, ItemNo = 4, and SalesPrice = 8

    Line 5 customer XYZ, ItemNo = 22 and salesprice = 148

    I have tried the MAX function. However the MAX function requires grouping. I always get the same 5 records. How can I select just the MAX values for each Customer while retaining the Customer Number , Item Number and SalesPrice


  • What would you want to see if more than one item for a customer sold for the same max price?

  • Since you didn't follow etiquette by providing DDL and insert scripts for your sample, I used the AdventureWorks database. If you want with ties, you need to use the Rank function, but if you want a single row you want the Row_Number function. My solution shows both functions, but uses the Rank.

    WITH RankedRows AS (



    , OrderDate

    , TotalDue

    , Row_Number() OVER( PARTITION BY CustomerID ORDER BY TotalDue DESC) AS RowNum

    , Rank() OVER( PARTITION BY CustomerID ORDER BY TotalDue DESC) AS RankNum

    FROM Sales.SalesOrderHeader


    SELECT *

    FROM RankedRows

    WHERE RankNum = 1

    You may need to provide additional sort columns in the CTE in order to break ties when using Row_Number.


    J. Drew Allen
    Business Intelligence Analyst
    Philadelphia, PA

  • SELECT CustNo, ItemNo, SalesPrice

    FROM UrTable mauntable

    INNER JOIN (SELECT CustNo, MAX(SalesPrice) FROM UrTable GROUP BY CustNo, ItemNo) maxSale ON (mauntable.CustNo = maxSale.CustNo AND mauntable.SalesPrice= maxSale.SalesPrice)

  • Thanks for both of your suggestions. They work perfectly. Thanks for your help once again. This forum rocks


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