SQL SERVER 2005 ( x64) Performance issue

  • Hi,

    one the top of ESX server we have installed 3 sql server 2005 ( X64 bit) instances. One instance is handling sharepoint

    server and other 2 instances are blank . On this virtual server following are the problems we are facing :

    a) Memory Consumption is more than 95 % on the server ( constantly even though instances are blank )

    b) CPU Utilization is touching 98%.

    All the three instances are configured with the default buffer pool settings. ( defalut min and max memory values ) .

    Do we need to tune the buffer pool for this issue. If yes then please let me know what values should we set for this.

    Secondly is there is any best practice for tuning SQL SERVER 2005 ( x64) on Virtual machine.


  • First thing, for the best practice never install more than one instance of sql server unless there is a requirement. It's difficult to do memory management on a server having a multiple instances.

    By the way how much memory you have got on to that server?

  • Thanks for the reply. Total memory is ( 3.75 GB)

  • - With x64 you should always set your max memory config for each instance or they may eat up all your memory !

    - Are the 3 SQLServer instances the only softwares that run on this virtual server ?

    - If instances are "blanc" so hang there without any purpose, shut them down !

    - analyse the type of memory consumption on your active instance.You may need to tweak its dynamic queries memory behaviour. ( TokenAndPermUserStore trace flags 4618, 4610 or 4621 depending on the solution you chose !)


    Off course, you'll also have to check your sqlserver usage info (trace, ..) to see who is actually performing what on your instance and see if you can optimize that.


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  • Yes there is no other processes runing on the server. This is the dedicated server. But i want to know how much memory the blank instance takes ( when no actvity and no user database and logins are present ) . Also please tell me the best available configuration i can set for my buffer poool for these instances. As of now it is default.

  • nikhil.verma (8/24/2009)

    Thanks for the reply. Total memory is ( 3.75 GB)

    Is that 3.75 on the virtual machine or on the host? I know Microsoft recommend that a virtual SQL Server instance has a minimum of 1GB of RAM assigned to it, so if you've got 3 instances and only 3.75GB of RAM then I'd expect to see your memory get swallowed pretty much the instant SQL Server starts up.

    I've seen virtual servers running sharepoint swallow 19-20 GB of RAM before now. I have however successfully run 4 instances of SQL 2005 x64 side by side on a virtual server, but it had 8 CPUs and 32 GB of RAM assigned, and even then we had to enforce memory balancing between the instances.

  • Open task manager and look for the SQLserver.exe executables.

    then you'll know how much your empties are consuming.


  • 3.75 GB memory is on the Virtual Machine. This VM is built on top of ESX Server which has 20 GB of physical memmory .

  • Can you add any more memory from the host or is it in use elsewhere?

    Is the Sharepoint system currently running?

    What memory are the various instances consuming (you can check using Task Manager, as per previous post)?

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