Cannot view report (source Analysis Services 2000 - cubes) when dimension drilled-down to lowest level

  • Hi,

    Is there anyone who can help me with my concern with Analysis Services, here's the case when I view the report in Excel using pivot table, drilling down to the lowest level of customer dimension, I get this error:

    "Microsoft Excel cannot make this change because there are too many row or column items. Drag at least on row or column field off the PivotTable, or to the page position. Alternatively, right click a field, and then click Hide or Hide Levels on the shortcut menu."

    This error seems like telling the user that it cannot display the data because it will exceed the rows in Excel (btw, version is office 2000), but when I tried querying the customer dimension table, it only has 1000+ records, while for querying the fact table without distinct, it has 40,000 records, which also doesn't exceed 65000 rows in Excel.

    I also tried browsing the cube in Analysis Manager, I get this error message "Unable to display current view of cube. There is not enough memory available to display the requested cell set", but checking the page/sec, reads/sec and processor time in Performance monitor, it doesn't reach 100% usage.

    SQL 2000 (Analysis Services with SP4)

    Excel 2000 with SP3

    Best regards,


  • Excel does not bring back exactly what is being displayed. In many cases, it brings back everything in a single row or in a single column and then does the pivot within Excel. There are a number of reasons for this that I will not get into.

    So, for your MDX statement, too many rows or columns have been returned. There are two solutions - either make less complicated reports, or upgrade to Excel 2007 (2003 still has your problem).

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